So- What exactly is pre-vegging?


Active Member
this thread is absolute non-sense. Better understandings of plant botany is first required before posting this? Non of this shit makes any sense.
Who asked you to reply? Read the "nonsense" thread and you'll see it's a term I found on a seedbank site and was unfamiliar with.
It's fortunate for you that spelling and grammar aren't prerequisites to posting here.


Active Member
huh...I've been doing that for a while...didn't know it was an actual "thing" though...I call it "holding back" or 'runting" and do it as a way to manage plant growth in my veg a means of SLOWING DOWN a plants vegetative growth rate...'course I don't do all that biological whatsahoosit he goes on about...but I'm pretty damned sure it doesn't help improve my yields...

*scratches head*
Yeah, I hear you.
I'm going to go with a zero-veg SOG, so I'm trying to perfect the technique of getting lots of cuttings ready all at the same time, but with extra big healthy roots, If I can.


Well-Known Member
If I was forced apon pain of death
to make sense out of it my guess would
The time a cutting or seed spends developing its roots prior to the vigorous vegetative state. Honestly never heard of it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear you.
I'm going to go with a zero-veg SOG, so I'm trying to perfect the technique of getting lots of cuttings ready all at the same time, but with extra big healthy roots, If I can.
You need a big healthy mom. Top her a few times and make her bushy.
Cut big clones. Do them at the same time. Root them really well before transplanting.


Active Member
Who asked you to reply? Read the "nonsense" thread and you'll see it's a term I found on a seedbank site and was unfamiliar with.
It's fortunate for you that spelling and grammar aren't prerequisites to posting here.
I think you need to pre veg a little longer, then re veg. You not on my level little tike, and that typo was due to my phone. Deush on dude.