So, what are you thinking of getting yourself for Christmas?

so far this is what I have bought for myself...
clothes... I never buy clothes, never... well got a bunch of shirts, pants, sweatpants, shorts...

got one of these (also good for the throwback toy thread although this is a cheap replica of course)

one of these...
and one of these

I was thinking about getting a surface pro 2 but haven't committed yet...
For myself a new pipe. I had a PHX Trinity with flask base and a nice domeless Ti nail. It was stolen. Need something worthy to replace it with.

For my wife some new clothes from Old Navy (shes also got something that sparkles coming on new years.)

For my daughter a whole tree piled with toys. She is spoiled but she is only 17 months.
I bought myself some expensive wrinkle cream, my one fear in life is ending up all wrinkly, so I have a wrinkle day cream and a wrinkle night cream. I also bought some body firming cream, its no good having a wrinkle free face and a saggy body is it, I have decided I WILL NOT LOOK OLD! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME. Oh and no one knows about my fight for youthful looks so keep it to yourselves. :lol:

Google Heather locklear's skin treatment.. :o
so far this is what I have bought for myself...
clothes... I never buy clothes, never... well got a bunch of shirts, pants, sweatpants, shorts...

got one of these (also good for the throwback toy thread although this is a cheap replica of course)
View attachment 2917502

one of these...
View attachment 2917504
and one of these
View attachment 2917503

I was thinking about getting a surface pro 2 but haven't committed yet...

Sega makes an all in one console too.. has about 6 games on it.. less then 15$
with my silly putty love.. I want this now too...

98% sand.. 2% wth

The Ace 250 was the one I had.. which one you going for?

iv got the ace 250 with the big coil on at the moment and tbh iv found loads an loads of roman stuff with so ill be keepin the 250 too but im wanting the garrett AT pro
So i thought i had gotten a good deal for a Pax for cyber monday..
Got scammed big time! Do not buy from iploom its a big fucking scam!
Lost out on 190$ and then i actually whent into the real website Ploom and ordered one for 250.
I repeat do not buy from iploom they scamm.
So i thought i had gotten a good deal for a Pax for cyber monday..
Got scammed big time! Do not buy from iploom its a big fucking scam!
Lost out on 190$ and then i actually whent into the real website Ploom and ordered one for 250.
I repeat do not buy from iploom they scamm.

sorry man, no deals that I could find when I bought one.
I absolutely HATE HATE HATE using the christmas money I get from grandma or mom to pay the friggin electric bill, or to buy a cord of wood. So this year, to be different, I got myself a rebuilt transmission for Christmas! Woo hoo! Got myself rear brakes for Hannakah, a master and slave cylinder (it sounds more fun than it really is) for the other car for Halloween. Might get new tires for New Years if I'm lucky. It's car "presents" year 'round at my house! Super fun. Sigh.

I will probably splurge and get some fresh crab for christmas dinner, and some cheap champagne. Most of the time if my son's happy, that's my present -- but sometimes the child in me comes out and I get all fussy about how it's "so unfair". Sorry about that. I'll grow up now. :-)
with my silly putty love.. I want this now too...

98% sand.. 2% wth

Was at a toy store yesterday. Saw a "melting snowman kit". White silly putty and a plastic broom. I felt that it utilized one of silly putty's less interesting characteristics. The sand looks cool ($$$!,) I wonder how it fares with cat hair (silly putty's kryptonite.)

Edit: looked up the snowman kit. It comes with many more accessories that must have gotten lost on the display model. Plus it's cheap ish. Ok, it does not suck.
So I got myself this for Xmas, SOG Pentagon XR. The first "upper middle class quality" folder I ever bought myself. I have an Emerson Auto that I got decades ago but traded dope for it. Nice tight fit on the SOG, opens sweet one hand with a little practice and nice discount when they had them on sale. (not my pic)