So what are yalls thoughts on azera and pyganic insecticides?


Active Member
Maybe this is taboo but I'm curious what others think. Myself I'd never spray them on flowering plants at any stage of flower. But for veging plants to control an infestation of aphid or spider mites I don't think it would be a problem.. thoughts, concerns... any input is appreciated.. been looking on the web trying to find any information. Oregon State health agency has a huge list of organic insecticides that well aren't listed as approved for use on cannabis but the manufacturer does not explicitly say that it should not be used on cannabis. They also list the danger of neem based insecticides and pyrethrin showing up in samples of cannabis flower.
I've searched a couple of times but most of the time they a mentioned in passing as ways to control pest. But I know they will control the pest, I want to know others thoughts on application during veg vs flower thoughts on their residual build up on the plant to my knowledge they are not systemic but I do remember reading something about azadirachtin derived from neem seeds being absorb Into plant tissue. Just a noob looking for light in a dark room lol
Look at :


Alcohol ( iso and water ) - kills the shit out of mites and alcohol quickly evaporates . I have substituted iso for grain ( everclear ) and made a doomsday mix. This will penetrate the waxy protection if the insects body for quick knockdown and egg control.
Mites will appear sunken in and eggs discolored after treat. Then water mist cleaning to dislodge corpses. I apply in 3 application runs - just do not spray buds as pistils will darken and die. Any mites trapped by triches can be “ bud washed “ after harvest.

Insecticidal soaps ( similar to above )

Oil based treatment

There are many DIY ways to try before using bottled pesticides.
Look at :


Alcohol ( iso and water ) - kills the shit out of mites and alcohol quickly evaporates . I have substituted iso for grain ( everclear ) and made a doomsday mix. This will penetrate the waxy protection if the insects body for quick knockdown and egg control.
Mites will appear sunken in and eggs discolored after treat. Then water mist cleaning to dislodge corpses. I apply in 3 application runs - just do not spray buds as pistils will darken and die. Any mites trapped by triches can be “ bud washed “ after harvest.

Insecticidal soaps ( similar to above )

Oil based treatment

There are many DIY ways to try before using bottled pesticides.
Would spinosad work on aphids I thought that was more for caterpillars and leaf eating pest. How effective is it on sucking insects.. I had a aphid problem I've been successful with insectacidal soap but it does damage the plant a bit. Leaves dry out a bit. What is your doomsday mix if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks to covid the only iso alcohol I can get is 70%.... Would that work? I've also read citric acid can work as well but as far a mix ratio I have no clue.
70% would work and 90% available too.

Everclear is a food grade grain alcohol, i chose it when i did extraction. And found it very effective as a “ insectical soap “ ( water / alcohol/ couple drops of dish soap. ).
As far as Spinosad... most retail offerings are for “ broad spectrum “ insect control - meaning it can control a wide range of pests.
I used Azera in veg when I had Root Aphids a couple years ago. Did 10 minute rootball soaks and it knocked them down considerably but didnt eradicate them. Ended up having to use Imidicloprid plus a two month veg to get rid of the bastards.

I probably wouldnt buy it again, its kind of pricey and stinks.
For 70% I'm thinking a 75-80% iso to 25-20% water mix I think. That would give me something about 50-50 iso to water. Is that too strong of a concentration? Also food for thought in a auto parts store the red bottle of heet is 99.9% isopropyl alcohol not that I'd use it for plants but I have used it for a lanolin spray lube for reloading.
For 70% I'm thinking a 75-80% iso to 25-20% water mix I think. That would give me something about 50-50 iso to water. Is that too strong of a concentration? Also food for thought in a auto parts store the red bottle of heet is 99.9% isopropyl alcohol not that I'd use it for plants but I have used it for a lanolin spray lube for reloading.
When I distilled some iso heet there was a noticeable residue of (what looked, smelled and felt like) a light machine oil.

When I distilled some iso heet there was a noticeable residue of (what looked, smelled and felt like) a light machine oil.
Hmmm interesting wouldn't surprise me as alcohol dries out rubber seals maybe they add machine oil to lubricate the fuel injectors... Just a thought worked great as a homemade spray lube for my rifle cases.
Hmmm interesting wouldn't surprise me as alcohol dries out rubber seals maybe they add machine oil to lubricate the fuel injectors... Just a thought worked great as a homemade spray lube for my rifle cases.
For bottleneck cases I have found nothing finer than the tiny tin of Imperial sizing die wax.
