Well growing up as a Jehovah's Witness I think I can shed some light on these issues peeps. Not one anymore, but I was what the JW's call a pioneer, going door to door 70hrs a month or more. then you go to school to be better at it. But anyways:
Do what I do. I open the door and say three words, "I am gay." They usually turn around and walk away without saying another word.
Wouldn't deter any witness that was doing what they were suppose to do, They however do follow what the bible says "Men not to lay with men" etc etc.
Mormons are HARDCORE anti gay tho, however they go do there 2 years preaching service with 2 guys only lol, they get supplied a house that they live together in hehe. They also get a car that can only have a certain amount of miles put on it that's why you see them on bikes all the time. (Other denominations could be different though).
Funny, thats kinda what i did last time mormons stopped by. Dude was the only one talking, but his wife was hot. So i just sat there saying things like 'uh huh uh huh' while quite plainly staring at his wife in a very uncomfortable way. About 2 minutes in he had enough of me eyefucking his wife and they left. Pretty funny shit.
Wasn't mormons then, Mormons go out as 2 men only, might be a different denomination again, but have never heard of mormon females going out to preach. Prolly was JW's and i woulda punched ya in the face lol.
The last time one knocked on my door I spent an hour on my porch with them talking about their religion. I then started to pick it apart layer by layer until they got up and walked off my porch. It took all but ten minutes.
What does that say?
(btw I believe in God)
Whomever was in there with ya, be it mormon or JW's, they obviously haven't studied there shit enough to talk with you. Also, as JW's we ALWAYS bring discussions to the bible and tell you to show us where in the bible it is that you got your point from. And if you some how DO come up with something they don't know about, which obviously happened, JW's should leave you a card with their name on it and a time to return with the answer after research has been done.
I always ask them in. I am never rude to them.
If they are that committed to whatever that is great.
But I usually allow them talk a bit before I start to tell them how I think.
Usually they only want to push there agenda and once you start they usually leave.
When I was younger my Dad would just walk up to them and tell them they have 5 minutes to get off his property.
A bit harsh I always thought.
Lol, You wouldn't believe how many guns, threats, slammed doors etc i received growing up, seriously effed me up as a kid lol. But ya, what I learned most was that if you don't make it personal and get the views of what people think then most people aren't going to listen to you which. obviously, the people arent doing it they leave as soon as you speak about yer veiws. Mormons are there for one reason, do stuff for you, lawn mowed, help with groceries etc, to get on your good side so you'll take their book of mormon and hopefully study with them.
I have one of those, it doesn't stop the following:
Religious nuts who just MUST tell you about god.
People who cannot read.
People who think solicitation means sex.
no soliciting sign salesmen
Ya, JWs are taught not to go anywhere near No Soliciting and No Trespassing signs, however some don't care about em and give the rest of the JW's bad juju, I have no idea if mormons go beyond those signs tho. I personally have never gone to a door with any of those signs
I've sat down and started grilling them and talking about Jesus being my Savior. The don't like that.
I would have liked that

Woulda asked you what you thought about John 3:16 and then asked that if you do think he is your Savior then you would agree with John 17:3 and you read the bible every day? Then would proceed to ask if you would like to read the bible together, we could use your bible if you are comfortable and have discussions about anything you wish to talk about. Pwnd! lol jk jk
Any other questions i can answer them for you, again I haven't really been a JW for almost 6 years now, but that's something you never really forget.