So someones tryin to robb my plants!!


Well-Known Member
drice way alarms. its a remote motion sensor. sound a door chim in your house doesnt alrm person outside so you can gat a shot at them withyou grizzel peeper spray. then let your dog out


Well-Known Member
solar eletric fence works nice to next time they touch that fence. not tell your freins your plans im sure it one of them


Well-Known Member
yeah to years old but someone with the same prob who googeled is readin it and not p[osting more trash


Well-Known Member
Last nite i was in my room at about 2 am window open. I thought i heard sticks break(forest behind my house), then i heard footsteps in my back yard. Then i heard the fence shake like someone was tryin to hopp the fence, that was when my dog came out full tilt, growlin and barkin and scared them away, all i heard was people runnin back into the woods. Now I dont really know what i should do, i would just leave them there but my dog isn't always outside at night. Maybe digg them up and plant them in a pot so then can be put somewhere safe at night? Theres alot of punks where i live:twisted:
Any suggestion would be great
get yourself a gauge :)


Well-Known Member
Go save an animal they are going to euthanize and let it sleep outside all the time...maybe one of a million pit mixes that they have deemed a Everything I have is protected by dog...because if you want my stuff bad enough to kill my dog, then you can just have my stuff you maniac!!!!


Well-Known Member
A lot of growers don't get to much sleep come nearing harvest, everything about waiting those last couple final weeks is just stress. Think like a ripper, when would be the easiest time to get those plants, If he knew they were there, of course. Most likely either when you are not home, or after dark. I live in a pretty secluded area, so If my dogs start acting up in the middle of the night, going ballistic, it is most likely either coyotes or people, Ill fire off a couple rounds into the air, if there was any people in the area, the shit was officially scared out of them. You could wrap the top of your fence with barb wire, and the perimeter of your plants lol, I don't think that would be considered booby trapping, so if anybody did try, they would get cut up to hell first. Motion sensor lights work wonders also and a good camera.


Well-Known Member
THey also make motion sensor devices for scaring deer that blast a variety of sounds and light. I think its called a "deer chaser" or something.


Well-Known Member
Lol at the flame thrower. In florida, we have the right to use deadly force if we feel we are in immenant danger. But i have 2 dogs and electric fence surrounding my property.

Just throwing out more ideas for future readers...
Motion sensor attached to some sounds. Dogs barking, siren, radio, people talking, gun shots, etc...
Tons of coiled small gauge wire around the ground to tangle their feet.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure His particular plants are gone, But this seems a good source of info to throw ideas around for ppl that may need to know these things.