So someones tryin to robb my plants!!


New Member
buy a 22. and a box of 500 shells. each night set a few flying. keeps people away for me but i live in the carolina moutians. lol


Active Member
The damage is already done...they know you're growing so move em...all it takes is for one of those guys to get pissed at you for running them off and BAM...cops at your door


New Member
if they think that you were going to move them then whats the purpose of sending pigs?????

uy yeah officer i was gonna stal this plan and they attacked me. knock knock-,excuse me-search- no plants-goodbye.

plants back in 8months


Well-Known Member
man i hate snitchs....all snitchs no matter what the need is..fuck em...hey kochab why you got me quoted...dont you know what ez e said about boys from the hood...i walkaround with a 357 on my belt an narcotics officer body thinks i grow...peace


Well-Known Member
Yeah well i am goin to move them i just have to wait till my fuckin neighbours arnt around, I'm also worried I might hurt the plant when trying to dig it up, but hey it's better then having it gone alltogether. What i dont understand is where it is planted the ground seems all sandy, but the plant has grown like crazy, almost 7 feet, dark green and never gave it any ferts. Now should i just fill my tub with this dirt or use promix?


Well-Known Member
what so half promix and half dirt? I unno ill figure something out. my one plant that i dugg up i planted it in a large tub with regular black earth and it doesnt seem to be growing efficiently, and its behind in budding compared to my other shit. So maybe promix is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread. Best ideas were the chemicals on the hands and the laser pointers creating a security grid. Tent is kinda neat too. I would have moved them long ago. Once they figure out they aren't getting the plant what do you think they'll do? I would have never gave up when I was 17 or 18 until I got it or got my ass beat.

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
fuck this was an intense thread lol, one year I was living on a second story balcony with a wooder riser system so I was on the second floor but it was a deck suspended in the air kinda deal, someone actually climbed up the building on the other side of the house scaled the damn roof dropped down onto my balcony and ran off with my 7 foot tall plant, two weeks before maturity, right around this time actually, so if these kids really want your plants they will get them, but the only thing you can do is wait up man, I know its shitty but its your only option cuz the second you close your eyes its enevitable.

next time dont grow in your backyard unless its secure

the only things I could suggest is to tie the fish hooks to the brambles around the feet in your back yard, I member one year running through some field and got hooked by like 5 of them at once, they are very effective, and this grower had been and gone prolly years before.

the Dye on the fence is an awesome Idea I really like that one, the tent Idea was good as well..

just keep in mind, this punk that stole my shit scaled a damn building and jumped down from a two storey balcony prolly snapping his ankles for marijuana. LOL for marijuana man lol hurting.

Let us know how it turns out this thread was a nail biter for sure.

if your gonna dig up the plants, use the same soil it was growing in to prevent any shock to the root system. good luck


Active Member
leave a note on the plants telling them you will give them some when it done, so please do not take them now they are not ready yet. Oh I know who you are by the way.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie:mrgreen:get a lion to protec your shit!! because u can get around a dog!!! an nobody fucks wit a lion..
lol hah grandmas boys funny!bongsmilie:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think we all saw what happens when you get a kung-fu monkey.......... you get drop kicked down a flight of stairs. small trade off for marijuana security though i guess.


New Member
i think he meant to write at the bottom of that note......

Ps: i know who you are.

Pss:take my shit ill break your legs and let my dog rape your mom.