so should i feel bad?


Active Member
So the most ironic thing happened i brought shit back to my friend and he said "why are you giving me this" and i was like dude its what you payed for didnt you notice it missing?" and he was like dude i told you it was in my drawer and to get it before you left! its a good thing you did because my roommates thought they smelled it and was asking me stuff but ya dude i just gave you money so i could smoke some of ir with you i wasnt buying my own." and i was like oh damn i was feeling bad for stealing it. but here go ahed dude this is yours.keep it." he said "naw you keep it but you gotta let me smoke with you for free" so i was like "okay"


Well-Known Member
So the most ironic thing happened i brought shit back to my friend and he said "why are you giving me this" and i was like dude its what you payed for didnt you notice it missing?" and he was like dude i told you it was in my drawer and to get it before you left! its a good thing you did because my roommates thought they smelled it and was asking me stuff but ya dude i just gave you money so i could smoke some of ir with you i wasnt buying my own." and i was like oh damn i was feeling bad for stealing it. but here go ahed dude this is yours.keep it." he said "naw you keep it but you gotta let me smoke with you for free" so i was like "okay"

See man, being an honest stoner pays off.

Most people I smoke out with are like brothers and sisters to me, I don't steal from family cause they are there for you in a bind.


Well-Known Member
good for you bro ive had to do the same thing. i got this kid some kill one time only because i had known him for years and he told me he smoked all the time. before giving him the sack a smoked a fat one with him, before it was halfway done the motherfucker passed out on my dining room floor and hit the ground like a ton of bricks.:spew: he totally lost conciousness and when he came to after a couple good smacks he though i was a paramedic. after that i knew he had never had shit like that before so i pinched his sack for his own good, the kid would've been passin out all over the place and gettin busted my his parents. Needless to say that was the last time i gave him anything, not worth the risk. I know all you guys probly think im an ass but i did it for his own good, the kid couldn't handle his shit.
That was definitely the man thing to do. Good job on that call