So.........PC Grow Box


Well-Known Member
You lost me. I went soil after one aeroponic grow. It's too F'in complicated for a compact personal grow. Good luck! I'm sure I will now be getting harassed by DIYers and the hydro/aeroponic crowd.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
OK I got my PC Box in the mail today and I'll be ready to start soon. First off, yes, I know I could have DIY for better and cheaper, blah, blah, blah...I'm aware of the light, and I will simple get a red for flowering.

OK, now we're past the DIY thing so there won't be anymore mention of it on this thread. What would really help me right now is some insight into growing in such a confined space. I don't nessessarily mean the demensions of the box, I've been reading a lot on LST and I think I got a good handle on it. There's room for about 12' of height, but plenty of horizontal room. I'm going to train to make them as bushy as possible.

1) I received Rockwool cubes and Hydroton rocks. I'm still unclear on exactly how to prepare the rockwool for germed seeds.
-Should they be saturated in solution?
-Should they sit in a prop tray filled w solution while they grow, and how much solution should be in the tray when they're still germed seeds?

2) I'm using a DWC that's only 3-4' deep with very small mesh baskets that hold the hydro rocks, and the rockwool with the seedlings/plants. The baskets are so small (about 3' dia) that the rockwool won't fit in it diameter wise.
-Is it OK to shave the rockwool down so it fits.
-Also, because the baskets are so small, there's not much room for the hydro rocks and the rockwool. Can anyone please help as to how and when to transplant the seedlings, and which (or both) medium do I use?
-Is the seedling supossed to be pulled out of the rockwool and placed in the hydro rocks, or, should the seedling in the rockwool be placed on top of the hydro rocks in the basket? (Important question I'm still unclear on)

3) After vegitation has begun how much solution should be in the tray? Should the baskets be more or less totally submerged, or should the bottoms of the baskets just touch the solution?

4) Should the air pump be left on 24/7 with a DWC, or can it be shut down during dark periods?

5) The PC seems to have great air circulation; two input fans and one exhaust. Should these fans be left on 24/7, or can they be shut down during dark periods?

I'm hoping someone can help me without suggesting that I change this or that, I need to work with what I have for the time being. I realize these are very newb questions but I really want my first grow to be somewhat successful. I purchased 5 feminized Snow White seeds from Nirvana and I want to do my best to get some buds out of them.

Thanks Everyone in Advance


I'm sorry man, but after opening the box, and reading the instructions (it did come with instructions right?)..... and you still have all those questions... then you got a bad kit =[.... you can still work with what you got, but that means you will have to do some reading and research, get creative, and a bit of diy.... but you can still get it to work......... ironic isn't it =/



Well-Known Member
I don't think you are going to get the help you need with this tread. Most of these guys are pissed that you did not go DIY. I support you in that I am a guy with plenty of spare cash and wish I had gone your route from the beginning. If I were you, I would lurk in the hydroponic threads to get your answers. This thread is about done. Good luck. I still say go with soil. Who cares if you already invested in the hydroponics. Keep it for later when you know what your doing. Consider this - I check my cabinet about every 2 days and water every 3 days or so. Soil Rocks and its hard to fuck-up. When I grew hydro in the cabinet, they had to be monitored daily. Lots of unwanted stress. Life is so much better doing a stealth grow in soil.


Active Member
I don't think you are going to get the help you need with this tread. Most of these guys are pissed that you did not go DIY. I support you in that I am a guy with plenty of spare cash and wish I had gone your route from the beginning. If I were you, I would lurk in the hydroponic threads to get your answers. This thread is about done. Good luck. I still say go with soil. Who cares if you already invested in the hydroponics. Keep it for later when you know what your doing. Consider this - I check my cabinet about every 2 days and water every 3 days or so. Soil Rocks and its hard to fuck-up. When I grew hydro in the cabinet, they had to be monitored daily. Lots of unwanted stress. Life is so much better doing a stealth grow in soil.
pissed? i dont think so, just tryin to give some constructive criticism. if you've already bought the unit than sweet, lets see how the grow turns out... dont ditch the thread


Well-Known Member
pissed? i dont think so, just tryin to give some constructive criticism. if you've already bought the unit than sweet, lets see how the grow turns out... dont ditch the thread

yes, please don't ditch the thread!!I have to go pick up another bulb on sat and I'll then germ my seeds. I got some feminized Snow White seeds from Nirvana - anyone familiar with them?


Active Member
I can try an answer some of these, if you havent found the answers elsewhere already;

1) I received Rockwool cubes and Hydroton rocks. I'm still unclear on exactly how to prepare the rockwool for germed seeds.
-Should they be saturated in solution?
-Should they sit in a prop tray filled w solution while they grow, and how much solution should be in the tray when they're still germed seeds?

Saturate beforehand with a weak [1/4 - 1/2 strength] solution, but make sure its not too soggy when you plant the seeds. If water flows out when you squeeze it its too wet. Rockwool has no food so they will be hungry without any nutes! Also I wouldnt leave them directly in a solution 24/7, as this will be too damp, and the emerging taproot may be damaged by growing into unoxygenated solution.

2) I'm using a DWC that's only 3-4' deep with very small mesh baskets that hold the hydro rocks, and the rockwool with the seedlings/plants. The baskets are so small (about 3' dia) that the rockwool won't fit in it diameter wise.
-Is it OK to shave the rockwool down so it fits.
Absolutely. Any shape you like. Do it before you plant them seeds tho! :)
-Also, because the baskets are so small, there's not much room for the hydro rocks and the rockwool. Can anyone please help as to how and when to transplant the seedlings, and which (or both) medium do I use?
-Is the seedling supossed to be pulled out of the rockwool and placed in the hydro rocks, or, should the seedling in the rockwool be placed on top of the hydro rocks in the basket? (Important question I'm still unclear on)

Transplant when roots emerge from the bottom of the rockwool. I think either medium would be ok, its a matter of personal preference, they obviously both have their merits, of which I havent a clue, lol. Whatever you do dont pull the seedlings out of that rockwool!! Place the rockwool on top of most of the hydro rocks [or whatever medium you use] in the basket, and cover with hydro rocks [or whatever] so that you cant see it any more.

3) After vegitation has begun how much solution should be in the tray? Should the baskets be more or less totally submerged, or should the bottoms of the baskets just touch the solution?
4) Should the air pump be left on 24/7 with a DWC, or can it be shut down during dark periods?
If you have submerged roots then the solution needs to be aerated constantly. If the power or pump fails your plants can die very quickly, I heard in hours. No oxy = dead roots = :(
5) The PC seems to have great air circulation; two input fans and one exhaust. Should these fans be left on 24/7, or can they be shut down during dark periods?
Up to you m8. In a small space regular air exchange is important, and it might add some weightage in the end, but Im not sure its absolutely necessary to run 24/7. That said its gonna be harder keeping an eye on humidity in that thing, specially when the plant/plants are big and in 12/12, which is also the time you definitely do not want high humidity.

Thats all I got. Hope it helps. Not really into DWC but plenty of others around here like it hardcore, check out some journals

no exp growing snow white but I smoked some in dam and it was tasty, and surprisingly strong...


Well-Known Member
OK, here's another question: I read somewhere that in a DWC the resovior shouldn't be exposed to light. Mine is made out of clear plastic so it's gonna get all the light in the world!! Is this true, and should I spray paint it black or cover it with black tape to keep out the light?


Active Member
Well im thinking about building a pc case grow operation. That mrgrowpro has the same idea as me. Take this case:

ATX AT 9 BAY FULL TOWER ATX SERVER PC CASE NEW COMPUTER - eBay (item 320280474477 end time Aug-05-08 08:55:45 PDT)

Gut it, and use soil. Along with a scrog setup you can probably get some pretty nice buds forming. That case is 2 feet tall so it leaves quite a bit of room (more than the others). Best part about it, the case is only ~$56 shipped and you dont have to spend $300 that mrgrowpro offers. Along with purchasing all the other items needed (cfls, soil, nutes, seeds) it should come out to around $100-150. I already have seeds on the way, Joey Weed Bag Mix from Can't wait :) Toke on.

Doing some research on which cfls I would get for the case and I came across Envirolites. A couple people on here are growing with them, but this guy on uk420 had some pretty nice pictures of what they can accomplish:

This is what he said about his grow: "this was my maple leaf indica grown under 2x250 watt red and 1x250 watt blue enviros in my drobe, think i ended up only using the 2 reds for the last couple of weeks as the temps were getting fat to hot in there"

Sounds pretty good to me, those colas look fat (maybe airy, would never know).

This UK shop on ebay seems to have very reasonable prices: Shop - Blindinglite: GROW BULBS: ENVIROLITE 200 WATT BULB NEW ENERGY SAVER RED

They run expensive but they seem like the best bang for your buck when your dealing with space/heat. I'm liking my idea more and more.

Here are some more impressive pictures. All posters said they grew with envirolites:

Most said with multiple 250 watt lights though (expensive)
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Active Member
yeah, I dont think roots appreciate light. Algae does tho! Also, I was just checking some of those boxes linked to above, and they dont seem to have baffles on the fans, meaning light pouring out, which is no good for stealth, lol. Any pics of the model you got?


Well-Known Member
hey kaos...this is it PC Grow Box; Complete System for Growing 1-3 Plants in a Computer Case

I gotta say that the setup is pretty cool, but it does have several flaws. When the lights and fans are on it screams, "look at me, I'm marijuana!" This also leads to the problem of light coming in on my plants, luckily, my schedule will allow to keep the room dark during flowering times. Also, on a scale of 1-10 customer service gets a negative 2. The kit came with no directions and when I called for help and support it was clear that the guy wasn't really interested. Also, I got a broken light, damaged faceplate, spilled chemical, and missing odor puck. When I called I was told that it was my fault for not checking the package before UPS left. I wouldn't recommend Homegrown-Hydroponics to my worst enemy. The guy said he would make good on the damaged property only if UPS would take responsibility.

I bought a new light, some milar, some aluminum tape, and extension cords. I configured everything and sealed up the light leaks the best I could. Also, I covered the entire inside with the milar.

I germed my seeds last night using damp paper towel...The plants only have about 10" to grow vertically but the box is 17" wide and 8" deep, I'm hoping to utilize this horizontal space.

Please no "I told you so's, you should have DIY" I'm very aware that I could have made something much better with less money. I've known this from the start!! I purchased this box because I have zero space, zero time, and zero patiance. I currently live in a 10 by 12 room with two roommates in NYC. I don't have the means to build anything!!

What I could really use know is some help with what I've got...anyone?!?!?


Well-Known Member
OK, so I got my seeds germ'in for my first grow. I took a trip to my hydro store today to buy a few lose ends that I'd overlooked. I bought a PPM meter and after reading the directions I was happy to learn that it's very simple to use. I have one question:

The meter is set to be calibrated at 1382 ppm and comes with a solution which is 1382...fine.

After reading a little futher I saw that the meter should read 1382 @ 77 degrees F, and there's a chart showing what the meter should read at what tempature. So my question is what's the best way to know the temp of the solution that I'm calibrating in? Is it safe to assume that if the room is 75 degrees the solution will also be 75? Or, do I need to break down and buy a thermometer for liquid?

Please help, I'm determined to make this first grow a success!!!


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Free Live 24/7 Phone Tech Support for the Life of Your Product.

nice, the bastards lol

I reckon a normal thermometer for humans would work fine in that solution, and it wont make a huge difference to the calibration as long as its close enough. I think liquid temp should even out to room temp. over time. Probably.