So my roommate trimmed the leaves ...


Im not entirely sure if it was a smart choice but my roommate cut the leaves of my plant because he wanted sunlight to reach the bottom(the plant is in the very beginning of flowering phase)is this a smart decision because someone told me I shouldnt have trimmed the leaves, but instead to have trained the plant


Well-Known Member
The fan leaves suck up the sun and help nourish the plant. Trimming a few is ok but be careful you dont stress your plant buy cutting a bunch off. Bend them out of the way if you can. They are there for a reason, Good Luck, hope all turns out well.


Well-Known Member
No worries as long as the plant is not in shock. The concept other than opening the plant up for air movement and better light displacement is to allow the energy of the plant to be utilized were the plant receives most light. Trimming the lower laterals and leaves is a very common practice and is effect. Do not over do it tho. best luck!