So, my outdoor shed idea didn't work. Will this?

Bo M.

Hey guys, I was just thinking about it and I was wondering if doing 1 plant in my closet work just work out better. Here are some pictures of my closet. What are your thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Remove the metal shelves and use the space for flowering. You can use the top for seedlings and veg.
A cool tube would be good in a space that small.

Bo M.

Well, I only wanna do like one plant. I just don't know what to buy and how to do it. Money doesn't really matter. Just want to grow successfully.

Bo M.

That's awesome dank nugg. Do you think that you might be able to take some pictures for me and tell me what you bought or did to set it up so I can get ready to grow my white rhino seeds. Thanks man, I appreciate it.


Do you ever plan on expanding?

How did you get so many replies so fast? Maybe I need to ask simpler/fewer question in my posts...

Bo M.

I do plan on expanding if our lawmakers in RI can pass this bill to legalize it. They've been talking about it for about 2 weeks now.


New Member
why didnt your shed ideal work bro

Hey guys, I was just thinking about it and I was wondering if doing 1 plant in my closet work just work out better. Here are some pictures of my closet. What are your thoughts?



I do plan on expanding if our lawmakers in RI can pass this bill to legalize it. They've been talking about it for about 2 weeks now.
IMO, you should make expansion a deciding factor whenever you are setting up anything bigger than a CFL cabinet.

Bo M.

Because of the fact that it's detached from the house and if I was to go in and out of there, many people think it would bring attention to myself. Do you happen to have an idea of house the closet could work?


New Member
no what u do in that case is buy a circular saw and rev it up every ten minutes
and lean some wood up outside shed they will think u r a wood worker
i live in my shop almost

Because of the fact that it's detached from the house and if I was to go in and out of there, many people think it would bring attention to myself. Do you happen to have an idea of house the closet could work?


Well-Known Member
Because of the fact that it's detached from the house and if I was to go in and out of there, many people think it would bring attention to myself. Do you happen to have an idea of house the closet could work?
dude i told you in that other thread if you build a space within your shed no one will notice........But hey in the closet is even easyer so just do that.....