so my electricity is broken

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
at my apt the lights have been flickering for a week and half the house is going on and off. so today they get the third guy to come fix it and he takes my whole meter!! so im without electrcity and the apts say that it could take up to 2 weeks to get the part that is needed to fix it? wtf so they are getting us a hotel for the night atleast but there is a problem. the whole time ive been flowering i have had light problems. what do i do with my plants? i have a cheese that is 2 weeks in flowering and do not want to throw her out.


Active Member
That sucks man...
Is it too big? Any chance you can move it to another safe location?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
no its not to big will fit in a garbage bag for transfer but i dont know anyone really where im at the closest is 3 hours away and i cannot miss class tomorrow morning. the onlything i can do is buy flashlights or something to light it a little and hope it takes it as cloudy days. or i could bring it to the hotel but idk if i want to do that.

the only way i could take them somewhere is by letting people i dont trust know. so im not really up for that option.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i called the power company and they said that they will need to turn off the electricity to the whole apt building and to do so the apts must send out a 24hr notice. but since they do not have the parts to fix the meter(which is very odd) they cannot do anything till they have the meter fixed. which will be a couple of days.