So let's talk film...


Well-Known Member
...more specifically, Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece North by Northwest. As a film major, this work of cinema is like a wet dream. So many great things to say about this film from beginning to end, from story to camera angles. So let's hear it: Love this movie? Hate it? What do you love about it?

Personally, I think one of the most important aspects of North by Northwest is how Hitchcock (in conjunction with screenwriter Ernest Lehman) creates a reality in which he is slowly feeding the viewer the details of the film. The viewer is continually guessing who is crossing who, or which characters work for the government, and ultimately, who can be trusted? But as the cards are dealt, we learn no one can be trusted. Even our protagonist, Roger Thornhill, is pretending to be someone he is not, George Kaplan, in order to get down to the root of why he is being black mailed in the first place. But by the time Thornhill starts to realize the scope of things, he is in far too deep to try to get out, and must push onward towards his ultimate fate.

But maybe I'm just a cinema nerd...