so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Yea after 42 years I dought it. And here your sorry ass goes with that racist shit again. Who do you think is racist here monkey ass.
You doubt that i put more $ into
our econonomy? I didnt realize Taco Bell paid so well.

And yes, you are a racist homophobic piece of redneck shit. Your posts here are proof, i just pointed it out.

Dont wanna be called a racist? Dont say ignorant racist shit. Otherwise wear the tag that youve earned with your assenine posts here


Active Member
I'm stunned, I can not believe he picked Ryan.

On a purely strategic level it really makes no sense. Romneys biggest problem is that 2/3 of voters think he only cares about the rich. This selection really reinforces that feeling people have about Mitt.

I understand the GOP base is gonna love it, but man he really is a wedge with independents. He doesn't help with the Latino vote, women or Independents. Seems if I'm Romney I wanna avoid the whole tax debate and income inequity. Ryan forces both of those subjects to the forefront

Romney has to shore up the republican base. Romney's pick of Ryan shows that he doesn't think the republican base is with him.

You are right... this does nothing to expand the number of people who will vote for romney. What this does do, is ensure that a republican revolution does not happen in Tampa. Romney just wants republicans to like him. This helps republicans like him. It also makes middle america and senior citizens less likely to vote for romney. It does nothing to increase his chances with women or minorities.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Also, thus far this year I have had over $8,000 deducted from my pay in taxes and by years end I will have had almost $14,000 deducted from my pay in taxes.

I manipulate my witholdings so that at the end of the year I neither recieve a refund or owe any taxes.

So although I can be considered one of the 50% who "pays no taxes", what the F@$K happened to my $14,000?
How can you be considered as paying no taxes?