So, it's just now October and...


Well-Known Member
They do that to build it up in people's minds to spend money.
The economy is suffering because there is alot less spending.

I could give a "Rat's Ass" about Christmas.
It's just another day.


i am a complete scrooge about our commercial christmas... it no longer means anything in america except buy, buy, buy... Christmas was originally about Christ, hence the name, but how do you celebrate Christ??? so we got the "christmas spirit" and family time... i think that christmas should be first about the family coming together and showing their love and appreciation for each other, mainly the children and the older family. but it should also be a time when people realize that we are all people with the same problems, just different names and addresses, and treat others as such. if it was only like this i wouldnt mind how early people start getting into the "christmas spirit", we should be like that all the time anyway; but instead media forces buying/spending down your throat, to the point that people now seem to believe that you have to buy a ton of gifts for your children or you dont love them....

it does put alot of pressure on the working class; as most of us barely make enough just to pay the damn bills... when christmas comes around, for alot of people (including myself now) it means getting a second job, side work, or SERIOUS budgeting/spending cuts to pull off being able to buy presents for your children...

i grew up in a very poor family... dad worked blue collar, mom ran the house and took care of me. sometimes barely made enough money to buy food for the week, but they never let me know it; up until about 8yrs old i thought we were doing fine, but then mom got busted stealing an entire buggy of toys for me for christmas...and then learned that she had been doing this my entire life for christmas and birthdays so that i would have enough cool presents to be "normal" with my peers and not figure out that we were poor as shit.
i never understood it completely, until i became a parent, and i now face some of the same issues, and can understand why she did these things, although i dont agree with her methods. if it werent for the commercialization of holidays, christmas would still be pure...

sorry for the rant, but i've already been thinking about it; my boy is only 2, but he still deserves/needs some new toys, clothes and such... also gonna have to be buying stuff for the new baby in december... gonna be a busy winter for gogrow.


Well-Known Member
i am a complete scrooge about our commercial christmas... it no longer means anything in america except buy, buy, buy... Christmas was originally about Christ, hence the name, but how do you celebrate Christ??? so we got the "christmas spirit" and family time... i think that christmas should be first about the family coming together and showing their love and appreciation for each other, mainly the children and the older family. but it should also be a time when people realize that we are all people with the same problems, just different names and addresses, and treat others as such. if it was only like this i wouldnt mind how early people start getting into the "christmas spirit", we should be like that all the time anyway; but instead media forces buying/spending down your throat, to the point that people now seem to believe that you have to buy a ton of gifts for your children or you dont love them....

it does put alot of pressure on the working class; as most of us barely make enough just to pay the damn bills... when christmas comes around, for alot of people (including myself now) it means getting a second job, side work, or SERIOUS budgeting/spending cuts to pull off being able to buy presents for your children...
This is exactly what I was getting at.

Plus, it's all bullshit anyway. Christmas is a pagan holiday celebrated thousands of years before Jesus Christ's "birth."

If you haven't seen it already, watch Zeitgeist.

Here's a couple of quick links to the first part of the movie:

YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1of 3)
YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (2 of 3)
YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (3 of 3)

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.:fire:


New Member
This is exactly what I was getting at.

Plus, it's all bullshit anyway. Christmas is a pagan holiday celebrated thousands of years before Jesus Christ's "birth."

If you haven't seen it already, watch Zeitgeist.

Here's a couple of quick links to the first part of the movie:

YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1of 3)
YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (2 of 3)
YouTube - Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever Sold (3 of 3)

Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.:fire:

Everyone knows that... That just makes it even more worthwhile for me to celebrate...


Well-Known Member
Vette when my kids were little and believed, I went all out...When they got older and knew the truth, I stopped....They like cash and more cash....which is fine by me...I stuff their stockings with money now, easy on me. I hate going out to the malls during the 'rush' it is crazy.

I may do that when my grow up.. But for now they still think there is a Santa ( there really is a Santa ,,They call him Daddy) I do not like the crowds and the rushing around but what can ya do ? I figure I have a few more years of it then the truth will be out ..