so it just continues to curl and still no help!!!!!


so it just continues to grow and continues to curl. i dont under stand ppl say heat stress ppl say cal mag. ppl say its root bound. IDK.....
its a outdoor in the ground. SOME ONE JUST PLS HELP ME!!!!

i have been feeding it all purpose plant food ever 4 to 5 days. i gave it 2 shots of epson salt. it all started about a week and ago. here is more recent pics. PICT0395.jpgPICT0396.jpgPICT0398.jpgPICT0390.jpgPICT0393.jpgthe weird part about it is its not dying the leaves are still healthy just curled up and i also have another plant in the same area next to it and it isnt doing this PICT0409.jpg .



LOL. no its deff not its 2 n a half months old and i have been feeding it like thats its not litterally ever 4 to 5 days its whenever i remember to and when i feed i feeed all my plants and none of the other plants are doing this. there for is not over feeding.


i mean ill stop feeeding it but i dont see it making a difference because my other plants are not doing that and i have never heard of over feeding making your leaves curl all the way up


Well-Known Member
well like i said thats my GUESS. could be a MG probably with the leaf curl in which that epson salt should help. may take a week or so for it shows any difference though. personally i would back off on feeding still. even if your cam is crap those leafs can be a little lighter. looks like its got a little too much nitrogen. i water my plants 1 week and feed the next so i feed every 14 days or so all the way to harvest


Well-Known Member
Feed them a heavy dose of nitrogen and wormcastings then water as normal and wait a week. Then come back and let us know the progress. good Luck dirrtyd


So I guess I'm gonna give it some more Epsom salt an just let it be for a week it is still growing its not dying it's going strong. So we will see what happens but it's been curled for 2 weeks. And all the new growth that grows in is just curlin
It’s much easy to over do it with nutes and water then it is to underdo
it. I would recommend backing off maybe even flushing the soil...

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
flush the plants, they are asking you for it. from the small leaves, beginning of purple stems, dark colored leaves, leaves curling (possible heat stress) etc it looks like you're having lock outs. let the soil dry out and water til you get runoff test that and i am pretty sure it's going to be either ph related or salt build up.


Active Member
What is that fence or structure it is up against made out of? It looks like it may be aluminum siding to me. If it is the area around your plants must be getting very hot during hours of peak sunlight. Especially if the area has limited air movement. I was under the assumption that the leaves curled like that as a defense against being too hot and burning? Hope you figure it out. Sucks they are in the ground otherwise you could move them to see if the condition improves. Good Luck


I have no way to check runoff or ph. I have flushed. Somebody said ants eating roots. To use sugar water that don't seem rigHt ants are attracted to sugar? Is that right tho

george xxx

Active Member
What is that fence or structure it is up against made out of? It looks like it may be aluminum siding to me. If it is the area around your plants must be getting very hot during hours of peak sunlight. Especially if the area has limited air movement. I was under the assumption that the leaves curled like that as a defense against being too hot and burning? Hope you figure it out. Sucks they are in the ground otherwise you could move them to see if the condition improves. Good Luck
Looks like a fair assessment. Leaves look to be baking in 95 degree + sun. Plants that look better are probably getting more shade, the moisture is not being extracted by extream heat. Extream heat will suck moisture out of the leaves faster than the plants root system can take it in. Thats usually what makes the sides of leaves tightly curl inward. In extream heat they should be getting some water every day either very early or shortly before sunset. You might try to set a screen in front of them when the temps are going to climb into the 90s. Don't block the sun just filter it.


Well-Known Member
Wow I've been dealing with the exact same thing here in Pa. People said heat stress, various deficienies,over watering,etc. I have great soil, great lighting, and still it persists after trying to eliminate the variables. What I think I have is : Hemp Mosaic Virus, it occurs in hemp and tobacco as well. It is unpreventable and is carried by parasites. What the long term effects are I'm still trying to find and if any one here can enlighten us it would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
I see no mosaic patterns... Just a shot into the wind. The USA is having a pretty hot summer and I would think Heat is causing that. The plants look like they are next to something and I can't tell if its solid so there might be a chance that heat is getting reflected back onto the plants. Let us know if you figure it out.

I just took another look at the pictures and they plants are backed up against a corrugated white wall. White is good to use for indoor grows but outside there is a chance for excess heat to be bounced back onto the plants. I think the curl is the plants way of trying to stop its leaves from losing too much moisture. My Banana Tree leaves do this when its too hot but they fold in half.