So it has been in flower for quite some time now, not sure when to chop

Well yea when taking off anything that isn't receiving light it will stunt the growth, along with supercropping i supercropped it 3 times lol you're probably right on that I should have left some of the lower leaves but they wouldn't have been getting much light anyway and the buds themselves are looking pretty nice at least, thanks for the feedback next time I'll leave the lower leaves on until they completely fall off on their own, the top of the plant is pointed downward as you can see in the picture. I wonder if that is why some of the leaves are dying. I'm going to give it one last nutrient water today
Id let it go 2 more weeks. In all honesty 'those look very airy, almost how a Haze hybrid bud would look at finish.

Id lower temps, let it go 2 More. , don't feed it anything else
I just gave it one last nutrient watering, will only give water from here on out, some buds look bit airy yea hopefully they dense up in the final weeks and plump up, blue dream I grew few years ago plumped up a lot during final weeks for some reason