So is this what you guys consider hip and cool now? lol


Well-Known Member
Like what happened to smoking a joint with tobacco mixed with weed in it. What, are these people trying to pretend to be crack whores with their "dabs". Most of these wanksters are "medical" patients like me too lol. They put videos of themselves smoking refined marijuana and act like they are doing something that takes skill lol. Now if one of these prics stuck their special "dab" bong up their asshole after taking a "epic hit dude" that would be at least some fapping material for me you know. If you really want a good high go down to the ghetto and buy some crack, that will give you a good real high, marijuana can only do so much. Refining cannabis these days is a waste of good high thc bud. "Look at me I'm so cool dude, I'm playing shitty rap music, talking like a brother, I have a cool lava lamp, and I'm smoking fake rich kid crack, lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha".:neutral::-?kiss-ass:twisted::evil::-|:cry::joint::roll:


Well-Known Member
LOL! I'm fukin 28yrs old wtf. lol hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah Man I need a fake crack hit(dab). Oh man its so hard being a rich spoiled brat, dad can i have some lettuce to go buy some fake crack at the cannabis club? Sure son, heres $500, htat is how much 5 grams cost right son? lollololololleflsdgfdsrgasdrgha;derhgihiugbpuigvfahvbguipago adfffuck fuck fuck fuck pussy vajay vajuay

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
People smoke all weed joints. They can afford it.

Hash DOES get you higher than the same volume of weed.

Some people smoke so much they have a high tolerance. So they smoke hash.


Well-Known Member
Jezz...Oh, wait...let's argue about beer brands. The kids like dabs, so what. My 20 'sumthin daughter prefers dabs...I don't, and we still smoke together. She ends up tokin a bit too


Well-Known Member
Fucking hipsters and their instant coffee. Goddamn attention spans too short to make a real mans brew. Percolate that shit after you grind your own beans, like a man, with your bare calloused hands. Fucking sanka.


Well-Known Member
"Like what happened to smoking a joint with tobacco mixed with weed in it." ? That is the old European, North African and Middle Eastern method of smoking marijuana, often called kif in days past. Besides, there is this vicious rumor going around for a while that tobacco can be deemed harmful...........................maybe even causes cancer.:joint::-?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
LOL! I'm fukin 28yrs old wtf. lol hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah Man I need a fake crack hit(dab). Oh man its so hard being a rich spoiled brat, dad can i have some lettuce to go buy some fake crack at the cannabis club? Sure son, heres $500, htat is how much 5 grams cost right son? lollololololleflsdgfdsrgasdrgha;derhgihiugbpuigvfahvbguipago adfffuck fuck fuck fuck pussy vajay vajuay
How much crack did you smoke before you wrote this?


New Member
Dabbing is simply just another method of ingestion.

Crying about it is like a 80 year old crying about people using pyrex bongs in the 90's.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
OP could be making the most valid point in the world, but his obsession with it being rich boy fake crack rather reveals his mentality and rather removes any merit from anything he writes.

Essentially you sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum because other people have nicer things than him.


Active Member
Not to be a dick but does it really matter? We're all getting high? We all have a common interest.. Weed! Which ever form you prefer.. Its better then them going out and spending there $500 allowance on actual crack, becoming an addict and robbing innocent people for there next fix? I know id rather them think there cool, have a dab and be stoned as.. That's just my opinion anyway


Well-Known Member
make sure you light it with a $100 bill. Nail won't get hot enough with a $20, you rich spoiled brat
yup sure.. thats what someone who worked for everything they own gets called..why you mad man? no herb to wake and bake with? dont you grow chuck?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
yup sure.. thats what someone who worked for everything they own gets called..why you mad man? no herb to wake and bake with? dont you grow chuck?
I was being funny, The op said dabs are for rich spoiled brats, so I just assumed since you were going to dab, you fit the bill.