"We" is a very subjective word sir

I've never mixed with the animals of society. I got so fucking tired of other people I dropped out in the 9th grade, got my GED, started college, and still decided I fucking hated other people then quit

I'm generally disgusted and nauseated by most other people because of the way they choose to live. Got a mother I refuse to invite into my home. Haven't seen her in 5 years, and phone calls are plenty good enough for me. Out of a room of 20 random people there are probably only 3 or 4 of them I would respect enough to speak to in any way shape or form. The quality of human being has become very mediocre, mundane, and woefully disappointing as society has progressed. More technology than ever and people are getting dumber than they've ever been. Idiots will spend $1200 on an iphone so they can text other people, browse the web, and view extensive amounts of porn. And they ride the bus because they can't afford a car. Sloppy fat fucks I don't much care about. How you carry your sloppy fat ass, how you respect others and yourself, and what kind of human being you are is what determines your worth in my life. Chris Farley. Huge fat fuck. And one of the most loved comedians in the history of comedy. He added value to the world with his fat ass. Most of the other fat fuck's I've seen in life just add a lot more shit to the world. I mean that literally, and that's all the fuck they're worth. Well, that and maybe the occasional tax return / stimulus check. Word to your mother homie