So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

My wife explained this to me yesterday. I think in a nutshell the bitch was just like, "mothafucka, this ain't my problem. it's an online problem and you can either wait or fuck off." I failed to read between the lines :)

A decent manager would have helped you work thru the issue rather than antagonizing a customer. Managers are supposed to help resolve problems, not make them worse.
@jonnynobody I had the same sort of thing recently. I live in the middle of armpit america around an hour east of palm springs. I drove the hour and a half to the nearest target and got the same bullshit speech. They jerked me around between 3 different targets Saying that the order was separated, ultimately only getting half of what i ordered even though i placed the order 2 days before hand.... 3 hours round trip, another 2 hours driving between the targets, and 4 yelling kids in the car, what a fantastic time. I havent ordered from target again.
Bless your heart man. I've never been to Florida but I hear the heat and humidity isn't for the faint of heart. Then having 4 kids in the car and getting jerked around to 3 different locations for 1 order is just an immense amount of pressure and stress to endure while maintaining your cool. People like you that can stay cool under circumstances like that are special human beings that the world could sure use more of. I am your polar opposite ;)
Yeah it felt real good cashing the check. Funny thing is I told the contractor over and over that I just wanted the broken part fixed, but they insisted that even if they fixed the broken part that my heater was so old that it wouldn't work anymore, and I really needed a new heater. Nice way for them to try to leverage my ignorance for $3k in their pockets. When I started asking what the extra modification charges were for, I remember them telling me $250 for gas shut off. I was like, well I can just shut the gas off before you arrive, so you can take that charge off, but they weren't budging. I found a local dude who found the broken fan assembly for $300, and charged one hour of labor for replacement. Heater is now working better than ever.

I had a similar situation in my 20's but is was for a much lower amount. I even started a debt consolidation payment plan to fix it, but life got in the way half-way through the payment plan and I had to bail out, which basically renewed my 7-year credit cutoff. Fast forward 5 years later, and I'm prepared to pay it off in full, but a credit consultant told me that if I do pay it off, it will again re-trigger the 7-year thing, even after it's been paid off. So I just said funk it, and waited another 2-years to fall off my credit report. The next month, my credit score suddenly blasted up like 80-points. Glad that is finally behind me now.
There's an awful lot of screwing going on in the world these days. I remember 10 years or so ago I was in Missouri freezing my balls off in the dead of winter because the heat stopped working in our rental. Called out a furnace repair tech. Dude spends 15 minutes downstairs at the furnace. It clicks on. He says, "okay, that'll be $350." I asked what he did to justify such a charge? He tells me, "ya know, I shouldn't really show you this but I guess I can." Which I thought was really fucked up. He wanted me to hand him $350 in cash but he didn't think I deserved to know what the fuck he actually did to repair the unit. Total ass fuck of a human being. I insisted. He walks me down and pulls the panel. Points to a reset button. He says, "just push that in if the heat shuts off again. buddy I do 7 or 8 of these calls a day." So this piece of shit of a human being was raking in over $2k/day just pushing a reset button fucking people inside and out. What a great guy, right? He recommended a new furnace, of course. My friend I was renting from had a trust worthy technician out who found the problem. I can't remember the name of the part, but it was $30 or $40. Furnace was completely fine, but that fella I had out to help me fix my furnace was all sorts of fucked up :)

The moral of the story here is some people really suck, and some people do not. It's a jungle out there man.
A decent manager would have helped you work thru the issue rather than antagonizing a customer. Managers are supposed to help resolve problems, not make them worse.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm glad someone else said it. Sad as I am to say I did a few years of retail management. Worst few years of my entire life. My job was to make sure no customer left upset or angry in any way. They paid me well, and I was happy to do my job most days. I enjoyed giving good customer service. As the situation kinda unfolded at target I was thinking back to how I would have handled that when I was managing, and it would have been the opposite of how the manager I encountered chose to handle it. The worst mistake I could ever have made as a manager (and I did it once or twice. we're all human) was to disrespect a customer. Nobody wants to be disrespected, and a simple retail shopping experience can quickly escalate into an all out screaming match when disrespect starts getting thrown around. That's why the number 1 rule was always respect your customer. At least until they give you a reason not to, right? :) The girl had, "I want a confrontation, and I have no interest in helping you" look on her face as she approached, and it only got worse as she opened her mouth. What it all amounted to was a feeling of absolute disrespect, and I unfortunately responded in kind. We're all human. And that's why it's very important to be respectful of others. Things quickly go sideways when we start treating one another with disrespect. You might just be called a stupid fucking cunt while being told to go fuck yourself in front of your co-workers and a check out counter full of customers :)
Target sucks. Haven't been to a Target in years.
Nothing but entitled overweight women walking the aisles with their fat asses, thunder thighs, and their entitled kids in tow. Total nightmare. I'd rather shop in the sewers of wal mart than walk into another fucking target store. Poor / lower middle class people are much more humble human beings and pleasant to be around. Plus the entertainment value of walking through a wal mart store adds value to the experience. Some of the scenes I've seen unfolding in the parking lot / store are things I've never seen anywhere else in my life. Stories for the grand kids. Things that will never happen at a target store :)
Nothing but entitled overweight women walking the aisles with their fat asses, thunder thighs, and their entitled kids in tow. Total nightmare. I'd rather shop in the sewers of wal mart than walk into another fucking target store. Poor / lower middle class people are much more humble human beings and pleasant to be around. Plus the entertainment value of walking through a wal mart store adds value to the experience. Some of the scenes I've seen unfolding in the parking lot / store are things I've never seen anywhere else in my life. Stories for the grand kids. Things that will never happen at a target store :)
You know all those people at Big Box stores are the way We look these days, not like all the beer ads with beautiful trim boys and girls, not a beer belly in sight. “People of Walmart” are all around us every day and we or at least I, seem to blend in quite well :D
You know all those people at Big Box stores are the way We look these days, not like all the beer ads with beautiful trim boys and girls, not a beer belly in sight.
"We" is a very subjective word sir :) I've never mixed with the animals of society. I got so fucking tired of other people I dropped out in the 9th grade, got my GED, started college, and still decided I fucking hated other people then quit :) I'm generally disgusted and nauseated by most other people because of the way they choose to live. Got a mother I refuse to invite into my home. Haven't seen her in 5 years, and phone calls are plenty good enough for me. Out of a room of 20 random people there are probably only 3 or 4 of them I would respect enough to speak to in any way shape or form. The quality of human being has become very mediocre, mundane, and woefully disappointing as society has progressed. More technology than ever and people are getting dumber than they've ever been. Idiots will spend $1200 on an iphone so they can text other people, browse the web, and view extensive amounts of porn. And they ride the bus because they can't afford a car. Sloppy fat fucks I don't much care about. How you carry your sloppy fat ass, how you respect others and yourself, and what kind of human being you are is what determines your worth in my life. Chris Farley. Huge fat fuck. And one of the most loved comedians in the history of comedy. He added value to the world with his fat ass. Most of the other fat fuck's I've seen in life just add a lot more shit to the world. I mean that literally, and that's all the fuck they're worth. Well, that and maybe the occasional tax return / stimulus check. Word to your mother homie :)
"We" is a very subjective word sir :) I've never mixed with the animals of society. I got so fucking tired of other people I dropped out in the 9th grade, got my GED, started college, and still decided I fucking hated other people then quit :) I'm generally disgusted and nauseated by most other people because of the way they choose to live. Got a mother I refuse to invite into my home. Haven't seen her in 5 years, and phone calls are plenty good enough for me. Out of a room of 20 random people there are probably only 3 or 4 of them I would respect enough to speak to in any way shape or form. The quality of human being has become very mediocre, mundane, and woefully disappointing as society has progressed. More technology than ever and people are getting dumber than they've ever been. Idiots will spend $1200 on an iphone so they can text other people, browse the web, and view extensive amounts of porn. And they ride the bus because they can't afford a car. Sloppy fat fucks I don't much care about. How you carry your sloppy fat ass, how you respect others and yourself, and what kind of human being you are is what determines your worth in my life. Chris Farley. Huge fat fuck. And one of the most loved comedians in the history of comedy. He added value to the world with his fat ass. Most of the other fat fuck's I've seen in life just add a lot more shit to the world. I mean that literally, and that's all the fuck they're worth. Well, that and maybe the occasional tax return / stimulus check. Word to your mother homie :)
A 1/4 or a 1/5 wow that's good.
The bipolar mind is a real mess eh? And this is why I avoid other people. The garden is my only safe place ;)
I love reading your posts, dude. You arent afraid to speak your mind like a lot are, and if it's the bipolar in you, then so be it. I dont think I would've dropped the c-bomb in Target, but she was clearly antagonizing with the "have a nice day" bit. Keep being you ( maybe minus the public tongue lashings lol) look forward to your next thread:cool:
I’m sure the discount has to do with using the “pick up” option. Hence why the “picker” had to get it and scan for a discount. Not sure why this is hard to understand. Just another chance for you to be you, I guess.
This is exactly what I would expect you to say. Simple minded condescending comment. Lmao. Too funny.
This is exactly what I would expect you to say. Simple minded condescending comment. Lmao. Too funny.
Man I didn't even see his comment until now.

@Wattzzup The 5% discount is for charging the transaction to your target credit card. They really hope that you're like the rest of the debt ridden shit bag Americans who will choose to not pay the balance off. Target then makes huge sums of money off of the 24% interest rate they are more than happy to charge you for being a stupid American. The 5% discount is essentailly a wager. Target is wagering you're a shit bag like the rest of America, and you will float the debt at 24% interest instead of being intelligent, taking the 5% discount, and paying off the balance at the counter before you leave. Dammit I love me some 'merrica! You can screw stupid people endlessly and it's not only legal - it's encouraged by the stock market wholeheartedly. Glad I could help sort you out. Don't worry. Jonny is here for you. Let me know if there are any more of life's little mysteries I can clear up for you big guy :)