So I’m hanging and drying…

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Ive done my best to keep it 65% humidity, not much sleep lol. Worth it though. I’m dumb and lost my humidity controller so I just have a sensor I gotta monitor. It’s about day 3, and the larf seems good but anything dense will need atleast 2 more days. I’m thinking it’s drying too fast cause the extra heat?

Anyways it’s been a lot warmer than 65f, i been moreso around 70-73 max. I checked on them, smells great, everything looks fine but worried the tops will take longer than the lowers.

Should I buck the lowers now and leave the dense tops to dry in current climate? Or just leave everything on, and keep hang drying until the tops are ready to jar?

My gut says to just leave it alone and keep above 65% humidity, and it will be fine. I’m a noob though so advice appreciated much love.