So i was cleaning out my car...


Well-Known Member
pretty messy under a bunch of paper i found a nice bud :-P pretty sweet
I love finding things lost or forgotten about. Money in an old pair of pants, the other sock lost in the laundry, even came across some X stashed in an old jewelry box once, that was my happiest find.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I like finding things I've forgotten about, but....I'd be kind'a pissed to find a bud in my car, until I smoked it.
...let's see, cop pulls you over, your not dirty so you agree to let him search your car...and BAMMM! "What do we have here?" says the police officer. "I don't know, it's not mine" says you. Cop gets your home address off of your license...

...the possibilities are endless at that point. May not be a worrie of yours, but.....I'd be a paranoid mofo at that point.


New Member
I always carry my weed in my car. I never drive with a reson to be searched. And i only carry a gram in my car :D

Gotta make sure i have my smoke with me at all times.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
never found more than a roach or two when cleaning my car. i have found several nuclear surviving french fries, though. can someone explain how 2 years can go by and the fry that was wedged under my seat did not decompose even a little?