So I tried growing shrooms


New Member
I ended up with only 1 jar (after spending $50 on 3 syringes) and I used popcorn and only popcorn.
Not sure how I got the one jar lol I'm not good at directions
Anyways I started the process in November, the jar looks good no other colors except white
My question is what do I do now?
I've watched a ton of videos and it's all contradicting information. All that I know is that I have a bunch of vermiculite and coco coir for my casing and I can't find the tek I used to get the initial information. And will I get more product if I leave the mycelium in the jar or should I take it out and put it into a different container?
If it is your first time growing them I would not try to do anything with the Mycelium other than put it in a proper terrarium and grow it out. Once you start trying to colonize more medium with it you risk contamination etc. IMO just grow it out so you can learn then build off that experience.

The reason only one jar was successful was probably due to sterility when you made them. I bleach the whole kitchen before making them. And wash your hands after packing each jar so contaminates if there are any don't spread.

The easiest way to grow them is with perlite about 2" in the bottom of a cooler with a drip shield and a hole cut in the top (and covered with piece of thick clear plastic) for a light source. Fill about 1" of water into the bottom, spray once or twice a day and let it breathe for at least 15 minutes a day and you should be good. Mid 70's is the best temp. Good Luck!

You should probably post your question in the hallucinatory substances forum.

Sorry I don't have a pic but you should be able to find directions online.
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Yeah man, dont break it down to a larger substrate on your first time. I had 36 mason jars all completely white, and instead of letting them grow out, I broke them all down and it just didnt turn mold. I still wonder what my first run wouldve been like otherwise...and also, I think its PF Tek that is the go-to for beginners. worked for me, but I gave up the hobby. Good luck!
I think spores are pretty easy to get through the mail these days. I have seen many sites doing it. Haven't ordered any in years but I wouldn't be too worried about it. They are now sold under the guise of a "scientific research" product. The spores are legal in all states except Cali, Idaho, and Georgia.
Spores are illegal in my country and the wood loving species that grow here like cold and wet conditions so they're pretty hard to cultivate indoors.
Spores are illegal in my country and the wood loving species that grow here like cold and wet conditions so they're pretty hard to cultivate indoors.

imo, your best bet would be to get a friend who lives somewhere legal to order them for you to their place, and send them on to you.. of course i'd never suggest breaking any sort of laws, but if i were a law breaker, that'd be the route i'd go. :D
Look under hallucinatory thread its the first sticky really really good thread
It something like easy way to grow shrooms its not pf tek but the guy uses popcorn PC coir and verm.