So i started my poppy seeds...


Active Member
this is for anyone who has an expertice in opium poppy or any of the such...
but i put them in my soil about 3 days ago i think, and i just put about 5 seeds in each pot (each pot is about 6" big). and put loose soil over the top and made it moist. and iv been spraying the soil making it moist and keeping a baggy over the top of the pots. so i was just wondering when these would start to pop up!? how many days
i used the McCormicks poppy seeds
but i found these other seeds we have at my house called Holland Whole Blue seeds.
will these work??

You should just grow them outside. They are very pretty flowers, and most people dont know what they are. They are not illegal to grow. It is illegal to harvest the latex (opium) from them. My whole backyard is filled with them. After the flower dies the pods shrivel up and they seed themselves. You will soon discover what a PITA it is to get opium out of the damned things. You can boil the pods and make poppy tea thats the easiest way to get anything out of them. I takes roughly an acre (660' sq.) to get a kilo of opium. It is very labor intensive and not really worth the hassle. I make tea from some of them. But mostly they are just a pretty flower to me.
Smart idea growing them indoors, wouldn't want to give the authorities probable cause for a search warrent. The whole plant is illegal, no matter what you plan to do with it(like weed, but probably a little worse).

I don't know how your seeds will do, but if they don't come up try laying them on the soils surface. I never cover them with more soil, maybe some grass clippings or leaves. My McCorrmick seeds sprouted in 2-3 days outside.

The Holland Blue seeds should be fine, just sprinkle some on a damp paper towel and put in a bag for about 10ays. If you don't see roots by then they are no good, just discard the ones that sprout on the towel.:peace: