So I might have a Drug Test Coming up, Suggestions?


Active Member
Ok so yeah I know all about the 30 days for a drug test test and hair. But we're all different so I was wanting some advise from the extended family.

Anyways I got this Interview with the Post office and I know they give Drug tests, my mother works in the post office. I usually smoke every weekend but never to a point where im couchlocked. So the last time I smoked was two weeks ago but before that i didnt smoke for like a two months trying to stay clean. And the Drug test shouldnt happen for the next 2weeks At least.

Would the dirt weed i smoked two weeks ago show up? It was just like, two bong hits. I work out and sweat a shitload every weekday..and chugging the H20

I wouldn't think so but...whats your take..or toke?


Fuck naw, as long as you are flushed and dont smoke untill you get it or whatever im pretty sure your straight, Goodluck tho bro...


Well-Known Member
It honestly depends on your bodytype.

It sounds like you're THC levels would be pretty low right now, but I don't know if its worth taking the chance.

Either do what i did and carboload the morning of (100oz of gatorade does the trick) so that none of the thc from ur fat can be released.

Or the safest method is simple substitution (what i ended up doing on top of it). nutsack in some QuickFix, and follow the directions and you'll be straight, most employment drugtests arent supervised.

:peace: out.


Well-Known Member
oh...and might I add.

if you can be blazing right up until the blunt in the parking lot of the lab.

honestly you're probably fine right now though if you quit until the test.


Active Member
oh...and might I add.

if you can be blazing right up until the blunt in the parking lot of the lab.

honestly you're probably fine right now though if you quit until the test.
I didnt think it would have a high chance but you never know. The job pays good 11bucks an hour it will be worth not tokin for a little while longer. My body type is about 208pounds, HIGH Metabolism, yesterday I ate four homemade beef hamburgers and was still hungry but I dont gain weight.. +Thats without the munchies....



If your not going to quit, dont bother taking the job. I pissed hot 3 (or more times) and its just not worth the damages. Your peers will become super condecending and will look to fire/punish you. You might be tight for cash and find yourself in a bind. I've drank tons of water, pissed on the label/bottle, dropped hairs in the sample, detoxified and still got caught. I even knew the person who gave the test. they would give me a heads up, well a few times the test was without warning. If your a smoker dont do it.

first time is a demotion second time bye, bye. (if your lucky)


Well-Known Member
Most of the time employment drug tests are just pre-employment tho, its not worth the companies money to randomly retest without suspicion. (unless you have been in an accident or are a driver/user of heavy machinery.


ive passed a test twice and failed once.
last time i smoked heavily the day before then my color got called and all i did was flush all day take water and cranberry juice.
then take some b12 to make u piss yellow again. i heard of niacin too.