So I made myself some CalPhos...

i was crazy impressed with your yield so i bought new LEDs for my tent. citizen clu058 2700k and 4000k chips. however, the auto flowers seem to have a great joy vegging and stretching in the red/blue LEDs.
Be careful with them, they're powerful, I put 200w of the clu048 1212's in my nursery/early veg tent and nearly fried everything, heat wasn't an issue, I didn't have the height for the light intensity given off them, the tent IS only 4 ft tall though.
So I made myself some CalPhos... :mrgreen:
and tried it out, applying it twice, as a nicely diluted foliar and feed, in the time just before flower.

Probably did more harm than good, though I will not blame it for the midgrow distress the Sour Stomper got into either, not alone anyway. In this case, I have no need for scientific clarification of the validity of my choice, though the acetic acid is not exactly beneficial to the microherd, whilst the CalPhos (? can it even be called that) content is not accordingly high enough to be worth the effort anyway. But end of the day, all that...?
It just didn't feel right. :rolleyes:

Eggshells added to the wormbin along with feedings will do the job just as well, nicely preprocessed by the time the EWC gets added to the soil. 8-)

So many and diverse learning experiences arose from this lovely, scary, and wild grow!
Ah, the Sour Stomper. we shall meet again!

The total dry weight came down to 232g in the end.
The top colas, which were so near the light, dried to 1/4 of their weight,
whilst the bushy part of the plant, getting less heat, dried to 1/5.
Makes sense, something I'll take more note of in future.
Possibly I could've given the bush another week or so to foxtail and densen up for a few grams more. But hey, she did great, and, given the potency she's hinted at from the test smoke right before jarring, will be liked even if the buds are a tad fluffy.

After pondering some, I'm pretty sure the major yield gain came from the LST, that allowed the tertiary branches to grow out. Not every strain will bring this gain, as not all strains have this trait of wanting to grow out auxiliary branches with such vigour. But with the Sour Stomper, it works - and yes I'll be seeing if I can replicate next year :)
Plant size and yield (taking the tertiaries out of the equation) turned out to be perfectly proportionate:
Mephisto describe the plant as 50-70cm height and 60-80g yield.
Mine was 99cm tall and gave me 120g (Main colas and secondaries together).

And the extravagant overall growth, I am putting down mainly to the feedings of living matter via plant part smoothies, SST, and kelp juice. I definitely have found my style for now, along with the assortment of microbe-rich substrates and composts I have begun building.
I do have this feeling I may consider complementing the fresh-feed style with things like FPEs in future, given I live in a cold climate. But I'm also thinking of an indoor open garden bed next to the dining table, growing tomatoes, salads, herbs... The Make-Your-Own-Meal Urban Minifarm :bigjoint:
Cheers and thanks for joining me on this ride!

i think i'm in love lol :fire:
Sorry @calliandra, didn't get to do the garden tour last night, had unexpected company who well overstayed their welcome, LOL

Did manage to get a few snaps of the 'Praying Lady' tho..........
C99 1.jpg C99 2.jpg C99 3.jpg C99 4.jpg C99 5.jpg

Edit.............Just a note for anyone else reading Calli's thread, this plant 'may not' be a C99, as labelled, LOL, it's possible it's a Blue Iguana. Either way she was bred by Mosca seeds
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i think i'm in love lol :fire:
Hahaha...............welcome to the 'Club' :bigjoint::hump:

Sorry @calliandra, didn't get to do the garden tour last night, had unexpected company who well overstayed their welcome, LOL

Did manage to get a few snaps of the 'Praying Lady' tho..........
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Edit.............Just a note for anyone else reading Calli's thread, this plant 'may not' be a C99, as labelled, LOL, it's possible it's a Blue Iguana. Either way she was bred by Mosca seeds
oh you are quitely forgiven, what breathtaking pix (literally!), thank you!
Nevermind what strain she actually is, she's simply majestic! another 3 weeks or so? Looks like she's about to fatten up :weed:
And that stem! The way you've cut for topping, leaving that stubble, it speaks to me - haha NO! not because of the rather suggestive formations when it's dried up lmao

Cheers! :bigjoint:
I was checking out the earlier parts of this thread that i missed....

the chlorophyll juice for the plants..... and other smoothies for that matter.... seemed to give you some nice results (and that dudes veggie garden!). I think i'm going to start doing some stuff like this. What kind of greens do you like to use?? I have the 12 variety cover crop from BAS that i could start, and also some barley grass that I could do as well.

I also think i'm going to start blending the food scraps and put them into the compost bin I have working instead of having them piled up in the freezer more so than they already are for the worms lol. I'm gonna add some more leaves to that compost bin i have going, and i'll start adding small amounts of the veggie puree on the weekends when I use fresh veggies when i'm home (juicing scraps would be PERFECT for this!!!). Just work them into the compost bin right? I'm gonna watch some more of those videos as well. Thanks for the awesome links. Sorry for the bombardment of questions lol

edit: ever do a cannabis leaf puree????? o_O
I was checking out the earlier parts of this thread that i missed....

the chlorophyll juice for the plants..... and other smoothies for that matter.... seemed to give you some nice results (and that dudes veggie garden!). I think i'm going to start doing some stuff like this. What kind of greens do you like to use?? I have the 12 variety cover crop from BAS that i could start, and also some barley grass that I could do as well.

I also think i'm going to start blending the food scraps and put them into the compost bin I have working instead of having them piled up in the freezer more so than they already are for the worms lol. I'm gonna add some more leaves to that compost bin i have going, and i'll start adding small amounts of the veggie puree on the weekends when I use fresh veggies when i'm home (juicing scraps would be PERFECT for this!!!). Just work them into the compost bin right? I'm gonna watch some more of those videos as well. Thanks for the awesome links. Sorry for the bombardment of questions lol

edit: ever do a cannabis leaf puree????? o_O
Tis a great pleasure for me to think and write of these things, Shluby! Very glad for the company 8)

Well actually, this thread documents pretty much the sum of my experience with the living matter cycle :mrgreen: Though yes I have continued using the method onmy "normal" plants, they're getting the juice from chopped veggie scraps I prepare for the worms and my soilifying experiment.

The way I understand it, Pommeresche himself doesn't make a difference between the stuff he uses, main thing, it's fresh, it's organic. He calls it protoplasma water, and chlorophyll water when he uses lots of greenstuff. It'll always be chock full of enzymes, hormones, and live cell matter (hence protoplasma water), so it's a use-what-you-have thing, very simple and straightforward.
Throw into blender, fill in water to cover, blend and strain - or water in everything together as a smoothie where you don't mind having composting processes going on.

Actually I'll have to go back to check where I got the idea from to use the like for like principle in choosing what to use in each stage of my plant's growth :shock:
Anyway, that doesn't give you a list either, but the task to match what-you-have with what you want from the phase your plant is in.
So young shoots, vigorously growing plant parts, sprouts, and such, will contain much more growth hormones than flowers, so if you have the choice you will use those, not flowers, during veg.

And yes! Juicing scraps!! What I feed my worms /add to the soilifying bin looks pretty much like that :mrgreen:
Ah here's a pic of the last feeding - the next will be soon, tomorrow or Tuesday, I've begun preparing a hella beautiful bedding for their new tier... haha! would e a nice thread starter :eyesmoke:

But back to the feeding!
2017-01-11 (8).JPG

To the chopped veggie/fruit mix I add other (dry) things like coffee grounds, canna leaves, eggshells, nuts, rice, oats, maybe some neem, and then spread the goo over a thin layer of fresh bedding (so it will absorb any runoff from the first bacterial phase, I don't like the idea of "worm tea" percolating through my lovely fluffy vermicompost - and I don't have any either, which I'm kinda proud of ;) ).
Finally,I cover it all up with bedding, enough to keep moist but light enough to let air get through - of the essence in the first 2 days or so.
So basically, just a normal wormbin feeding :rolleyes:

Oh btw I do keep all my fruit scraps in the freezer and thaw a day before feeding. Fruit flies do not exist in my ecosystem thanks to that :grin:

Cannabisleaf puree! Yeah @DonBrennon did a chlorophyll water with a whole plant I think? Or was I dreaming? lol
He never told me whether it made any difference in his case though :bigjoint:
cool i think i got a good grasp on what you're getting at here.

I also do not have any wormbin leachate happening either and i think i prefer it that way as well. the vermicompost is so nice and fluffy with the perfect amount of moisture. I really can't wait to harvest the bin. It seems like it would be ready in a month or less if i just stopped adding food sources lol. I'm gonna have to do some figuring on how/when to make the decision to harvest the bin. I also need to get something to mesh out the castings and put back anything that needs further breakdown.
cool i think i got a good grasp on what you're getting at here.

I also do not have any wormbin leachate happening either and i think i prefer it that way as well. the vermicompost is so nice and fluffy with the perfect amount of moisture. I really can't wait to harvest the bin. It seems like it would be ready in a month or less if i just stopped adding food sources lol. I'm gonna have to do some figuring on how/when to make the decision to harvest the bin. I also need to get something to mesh out the castings and put back anything that needs further breakdown.
Nail some boards together into a square or rectangle, cut some screen mesh (like for a screen door, you can get that stuff at home depot or similar store). Nail it to the boards. Now you can sift your castings, don't make it too big you gotta shake that shit yourself tho! Lol
I am loving this thread! Since my start with r.i.u and my first stroll through the organics section I have changed my out look on the way I grow everything from veges to my happy herb.i look at every vege scrap, leaf litter,weeds and lawn clipping as potential organic life! I see mold in my compost and smile instead of saying yuck. This stuff is addictive and since doing away with synthetics around the house and using compost teas on everything from house plants to grass to veges my entire family just seems obssesd to the point I am finishing off my schooling I didn't finish when I was younger so I can start at university to study plant biology. I wonder if Elaine Ingram knows how much of a positive impact she has had on the cannabis community. Sorry for the off topic long post I have become a compost nerd and this stuff just makes me tick haha
Whatever you like doing bro I love growing to its awesome even tho I suck at it do better out doors then in but owell I still love it good luck
sheez.. who's been reviving defunct threads again! :P

Wow sorry shluby I never got to see that last posting of yours - I think it was the weeks of the riu downtime :shock:

@Joomby haha I love your description of how all of a sudden the world is full of free resources!
I do think Ingham knows this, she was on an interview with some herb dudes a while back. Definitely lots of early adopters on these forums, I learned about the soil food web here myself ;)

Ah and since we're here already, what's your setup for making compost teas like, seeing you seem to be using them profusely? I need to re-do mine, it's getting worse with every tea lol
Haha I will have to check out the interview I bet it's a laugh. I use a 15ltr drum with a lid,fish tank heater set at 32 Celsius, fish tank air pump "no stone".I use more leaf moulds and very fungal dominant compost and use only 1 tbl spoon of molasses or 2 tea spoons of raw sugar ,fish hydrolyse or fish emulsion and brew for no more than 24 hrs. I also just put the compost straight in the bucket I don't use a stocking I just strain when I'm finished