So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?


I'll add pictures of mine, and here's my .02 worth.....there are many breeds with agressive tendencies, and we, as owners who choose those breeds, need to be aware of the tendencies of our dogs, and be responsible for them.

I have owned 'aggressive' breeds my entire life, and each and every one of my dogs has been raised in the house as part of the family, socialized with other dogs, people, and children, and I have yet to have any sort of a major problem. Sure, we have had scuffles here at the house, mostly out of jealousy. If I go, at least one of the dogs do too, and they are at home in any place, any situation. I leave my male w/ a friend when we have a female in heat, in a home with 2 dogs, a rabbit, a cat and a lizard, as well as 2 young kids, and he gets along fine, other than missing his papa.

Every dog we have ever owned has been protective of us and our home/yard, not because they are trained that way, but it is just one of the ways they show thier appreciation for what we do for them. We did have had an incident where a couple of kids on the run from the law, after breaking into a school, tried to seek refuge in my house....BIG MISTAKE!! My big male @ the time, Colt, ran them across the street and on top of a pickup, and was there, waiting and wagging, when the cops arrived a couple minutes later. He turned away from his 'prey', stood up with paws on the officers chest, and gave him a good face licking, then trotted back to me, standing in the front yard. He had the most satisfied look on his face.

My dogs are purebred, papered AmStaffs, only because I have found that my havig AKC purebreds, I get around the home-owner's insurance bump that goes with 'pit bulls', even tough they both come from the same basic gene pool.

I don't believe in bad dog.....just bad owners.



Active Member

She holds down the fort, nobody would dare cross the fence and take a chance. When she's on guard she looks terrifying. Otherwise a total puss.
I have two pits as well, who have less interest in being territorial but are without a doubt the best hiking partners for guerrilla growing. One stays by my side all the time and the other is always a good 50 yards ahead making sure nobody is around. He's also a badass bird dog. Loves the water, loves retrieving, and will flush like a madman.
I just got a coonhound pup that I've been working with, he's loud as hell. Woke me up again last night when the bear tried to get into the garbage. Kid's always on point.

All in all a solid crew.

Here's one of my boys, more pitbull love.

Well here is the bad girl of the block. Yeah right so friendly unless provoked and even then she just really wants to kiss you all over. I love those AMS.IMG00024-20100712-1927.jpg


Active Member
<----- Boodah, pic taken over a year ago. not a pit though Boxer Chow mix sweetheart until provoked got out the yard a month ago and just roamed the neiborhood and came home. and the thing about pits is that its not always bad owner but generations of inbreeding can make them unpredictable and volitaile most are sweethearts some have bag genes and then some are raised by assholes.

Life Goes On

Active Member
looking at my first dog soon ive allways wanted one :), pretty sure im going with a japanese akita
Dude if your thinking about getting an Akita make sure you do your research. Remember you get what you pay for. My brother bought an Akita without first doing his research on the breed and he ended up with a retard.

Life Goes On

Active Member
Man those 2 pits dont look like they would bite a bone. I understand pittys are supposed to be viscious maneaters that cant control the urge to kill but those 2 look like a childs best friend. Great looking dogs.
You clearly don't know anything about the breed.

Life Goes On

Active Member
well i saw that you read my if you cant figure it out, i dont know what to tell you. and btw i have read many threads and your voice is always condecending and rude. did you ever hear you catch more flies with honey, then you do vinegar? let us have our thread and if you do not like it, then kindly gtfu :)
Lol! Well said! I second that!