So I just Watched Fear and Loathing


Well-Known Member
no doubt. if u can get the special collectors edition. its got a bonus disc with alot of badass extras on it. also if u havent seen Gonzo or Breakfast with Hunter, check those out fa sho. there both amazing as well. enjoy bro.

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
hells yea dude, i watched so many times.....i wanna watch it on shrooms and on....blu-ray!!!!! haha but yea good movie
have you seen the imaginarium of dr. parnassus?? its a trppy movie


Well-Known Member
one of depp's best performances by far. he locked himself in a dark room for hours to prepare for shooting. "Fuckin' bats man"


Undercover Mod
lol my buddy watched this on a quarter and when i pointed out the angel with the flaming sword to him. (cherubims) He started screaming and ran out of the room. lol


Undercover Mod
You wouldn't notice it the first time you watch it. The part when they come out of the restaurant with the midget. It is behind the car.


Well-Known Member
Don't know if you've heard of it but check out Where the Buffalo Roam, Billy Murry is the shit

It's not at crazy as Fear and Loathing but I know I like it

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You wouldn't notice it the first time you watch it. The part when they come out of the restaurant with the midget. It is behind the car.

LOL i just had to open up the movie file and check

LOL what the fuck, how DID i not notice that?


Well-Known Member
Awesome movie. Been a while since I watched it. Now I want to know what part your talking about.


Well-Known Member
i remember that part. haha. i like the crazy shit the old man on the phone in the lobby when hunter first gets to the hotel is talkin about. hes talking about sum chick gettin killed in the parking lot and he says that her head gets chopped and off and that they sucked all the blood from her with tubes and shit. its so crazy. u just have to really listen to what hes saying.


Undercover Mod
i remember that part. haha. i like the crazy shit the old man on the phone in the lobby when hunter first gets to the hotel is talkin about. hes talking about sum chick gettin killed in the parking lot and he says that her head gets chopped and off and that they sucked all the blood from her with tubes and shit. its so crazy. u just have to really listen to what hes saying.

The worst part is that, that is where the last drug he does comes from. The guy says they stole her adrenaline gland if you listen. That was what they took.


Well-Known Member
lol i used to watch this shit all the time. half baked, state property and fear n loathing back to back almost everyday lol ;\ what ever happened to dave chapelle (sorry 2 get off topic). he jus kinda disapeared