Well-Known Member
And obviously I'm back at my computer
But man I'm kinda shaky because I was so nervous... Anyway, I'll try and explain as detailed as I can but I need to get away for a few minutes and relax, lol.
So I suffer from severe migraines and I smoke in my car in my garage because I don't like to smoke in the house because of kids and other personal reasons. So this morning I did just that because I was close to calling off of work because my head and neck were hurting so bad.
Anyway, on my way to work I got pulled over because the tabs on my plate were expired. At this point I was getting a little paranoid but decided to fully cooperate with the cop considering legally I shouldn't have anything to worry about..
SO the cop comes around and here's how the convo went.
Cop: Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Not really, Sir. To be honest.
Cop: Your plates are you have license, insurance and proof of registration?
Me: (hands cop all documents asked for)
Cop: Do you have anything in your car that I should know about?
Me: Nothing Illegal.
Cop: .. Nothing Illegal? Ok sit right here, don't go anywhere.
- 5 minutes go by as I'm freezing my ass off with my window down and my car off and my hands on my knees -
-Cop returns -
Cop: Do you mind if I search your vehicle?
Me: Uhh... No sir, if you want to. (bummed I responded this way...but I was nervous and froze)
- At this point I step out of the vehicle and I agree he can search me. He pulls out my wallet, my personal cell, and my work cell from my pants and then asks me to sit on his bumper. At this point I speak up. -
Me: There is a small amount of Marijuana in the car but I'm a medical user and have my card in my wallet.
Cop: Ok. Because I can smell an obvious odor coming from your car. How much is a small amount?
Me: About an 1/8th of an ounce. Maybe a little more. There's a tupperware container on my passenger seat and a grinder in the door. And a pipe in the center console.
Cop: Ok any knives, guns or anything else like that in the car.
Me: No Sir.
Cop: And you said your medical card is in your wallet?
Me: Yes Sir, there's also a physicians certification behind the seat.
Cop: Ok sit tight for a minute...
Me: Sir, can I sit in your's freezing out here. (sounds crazy, but I was fucking cold)
So I sat in the cop car for about 10 minutes while the cop and another cop talked right outside of my car. He came back and asked me to still "sit tight, we're trying to figure out how to handle this. This is new to us.."
So right there (in my head) I was like "FUCK!.. It's NEWER TO ME!"
Anyway, after 5 more minutes he opens the back seat door and lets me out. He hands me back my ID, Medical Card and Insurance and says:
Cop: Ok grab your Marijuana and wallet off your trunk and have a seat in your car. Turn it on and turn on the heat if you want to keep warm.
So I sat in my car and waited. He came up to my car and handed me a waiveable ticket for the tags on my plate that I can get fixed within 2 weeks without a fee. He said he appreciated my cooperation and I shook his hand REAL hard!
I feel a little liberated right now... I had 1/8 of weed in my car, a grinder, a half-smoked bowl, shake on the floor... and all I got was a waiveable citation for the tabs on my plate.
I just wanted to share this with anyone that has any fears. I know I did, and I wish I wasn't my own guinea pig!!
Now I gotta go relax....

+rep would be appreciated since I made it out alive, LOL 

So I suffer from severe migraines and I smoke in my car in my garage because I don't like to smoke in the house because of kids and other personal reasons. So this morning I did just that because I was close to calling off of work because my head and neck were hurting so bad.
Anyway, on my way to work I got pulled over because the tabs on my plate were expired. At this point I was getting a little paranoid but decided to fully cooperate with the cop considering legally I shouldn't have anything to worry about..
SO the cop comes around and here's how the convo went.
Cop: Hello, do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: Not really, Sir. To be honest.
Cop: Your plates are you have license, insurance and proof of registration?
Me: (hands cop all documents asked for)
Cop: Do you have anything in your car that I should know about?
Me: Nothing Illegal.
Cop: .. Nothing Illegal? Ok sit right here, don't go anywhere.
- 5 minutes go by as I'm freezing my ass off with my window down and my car off and my hands on my knees -
-Cop returns -
Cop: Do you mind if I search your vehicle?
Me: Uhh... No sir, if you want to. (bummed I responded this way...but I was nervous and froze)
- At this point I step out of the vehicle and I agree he can search me. He pulls out my wallet, my personal cell, and my work cell from my pants and then asks me to sit on his bumper. At this point I speak up. -
Me: There is a small amount of Marijuana in the car but I'm a medical user and have my card in my wallet.
Cop: Ok. Because I can smell an obvious odor coming from your car. How much is a small amount?
Me: About an 1/8th of an ounce. Maybe a little more. There's a tupperware container on my passenger seat and a grinder in the door. And a pipe in the center console.
Cop: Ok any knives, guns or anything else like that in the car.
Me: No Sir.
Cop: And you said your medical card is in your wallet?
Me: Yes Sir, there's also a physicians certification behind the seat.
Cop: Ok sit tight for a minute...
Me: Sir, can I sit in your's freezing out here. (sounds crazy, but I was fucking cold)
So I sat in the cop car for about 10 minutes while the cop and another cop talked right outside of my car. He came back and asked me to still "sit tight, we're trying to figure out how to handle this. This is new to us.."
So right there (in my head) I was like "FUCK!.. It's NEWER TO ME!"
Anyway, after 5 more minutes he opens the back seat door and lets me out. He hands me back my ID, Medical Card and Insurance and says:
Cop: Ok grab your Marijuana and wallet off your trunk and have a seat in your car. Turn it on and turn on the heat if you want to keep warm.
So I sat in my car and waited. He came up to my car and handed me a waiveable ticket for the tags on my plate that I can get fixed within 2 weeks without a fee. He said he appreciated my cooperation and I shook his hand REAL hard!
I feel a little liberated right now... I had 1/8 of weed in my car, a grinder, a half-smoked bowl, shake on the floor... and all I got was a waiveable citation for the tabs on my plate.
I just wanted to share this with anyone that has any fears. I know I did, and I wish I wasn't my own guinea pig!!