So I got ripped off today...


Well-Known Member
Beaster? That sounds like another name for chronic? Still though if it gets you blazed in a few hits its worth the price considering you didn't buy an ounce for 380 you only lost like 10$ lol anyway yea it sucks when you get ripped off:peace:
beasters = bc bud


Well-Known Member
hmm, well the last time i checked, not getting what you pay for is called getting ripped off. Or wait, i guess i shouldve gotten ripped of more so i "qualify" right?

Im just sayin you started a thread called I got ripped off , before I checked it out I was thinkin somebody really got-got. then I see you bitchin about a gram.
Well congratulations on your attentiveness. Your literacy has served you well. If you don't care, don't post...


thats still ok man cause there was this one time when i paid 120$ for one quad thats was suposto be reclyining buddah, it was,and was hella dank but and i never spen over a hundred on a quarter. Turns out my hand scale was at homeand the bag ended up being 3.5 g's i has HEATED!!!!!!!!!cause i normally get mine for 20 an eighth or 40 a quarter cause i help out with my friends gro op when he leaves town i monter them till he gets back. and its normally red haze, l.a. confidential or its some unknown bud and they r all ridicioulsy deliciously dank! im glad i have this hook up fo sho bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!