so i bought a tent......WTF DO I DO NOW?


Active Member
also dont water too often once your plants get big. wait until their almost all dry or the leaves just start to droop. too much moisture promotes mold. mold and moisture attracts fungus gnats and other bugs. even if you start off completely free of bugs, theres a good chance they will find there way inside eventually. chances are your tent will have excellent living conditions and a lost bug may find its way inside and lay eggs. GL!


Active Member
nice one crazy hazy
brannonC im using soil because the first muck around plant i grew used soil and im just used to it.
im going to grow 4 plants...2 tangerines 2 super silver cheeses
maybe get a clone off one and do 5?
nutes? no idea what that is
perlite isnt that white bits in the soil to help the soil hold moisture or something
nutes is short for nutrients. i highly recommend fox farm. yes you are right about perlite. the little white rocks which are actually a soft volcanic glass. they are highly porous and indeed help hold in moisture, but at the same time help with drainage and help keep soil from becoming too compact. it may turn yellowish over time from mold or algae but thats why i like to spray just the surface of my soil with a strong neem oil mix.