so how bad of an idea is this?


Active Member
so on a scale of 1-10, how bad of an idea is this? i know the plants going to grow out of this in a short period of time but its still little so i thought id try it. i kinda rigged this up for this lamp becasue i didint get my sockets and y adaptors yet so once i get those ill probly change it. theres a 26watt daylight cfl in the lamp. is this setup like a heat/fire hazard? i know its lacking ventilation but it's still little so ill need change the whole thing when it gets bigger. just let me know how bad of an idea this is lol thanks



Well-Known Member
not a bad idea...get rid of the foil can cause heat spots that will burn your plant...just paint the inside flat far as a fire hazard...i don't think a clf would get hot enough to cause a fire...however, being such a small space, it might get too hot for the you have some sort of ventilation?.like a small fan?


Well-Known Member
Forget the box at all maybe? Try the bathroom? Or a closet? You got a little while a week or 2 at most before you get smell. Till them maybe you could try and scrape together money for something bigger or proper.

I fudeged around on my first plants till i got proper eqip and it was worthless. If I knew then waht i knew now. . . I fot a seed ling i got no room for yet in the clone box or the flower box so i got the same deal you got just ditting on the floor in my room


Active Member
fuck theres absolutely no place in my house to hide this shit withput anyone finding it (im 17) someone would deffinatly smell it and i had no idea what i was gnna do when it got big. im gnna have to get rid of it and now im wicked becasue i want to grow it but theres absolutely nowhere to put it. shittt!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if its not your house get rid of it. If you ever own your own place you would understand, something like that, even a single little plant, can completely void all your house insurance. Even if there was a fire from something completely different, the plant being there could screw over the home owner.

Planting a seed then deciding what to do with it is never really a good idea. You should know what your gonna do with your plants from seed to weed before even considering planting them. And you should have your own place, or a nice outdoor spot for next summer.

If you really really wanna grow some chron, do some research this winter, gather supplies, scout out a location for a plant or 2, then put em out there for the next outdoor season.


Well-Known Member
He's right about owning your own home. But since that's not gonna happen any time soon in this economy . . . JUST DON'T START A FIRE! Seriously! Take extra steps to insure the safety of your operation. Place a smoke detector nearby. Use quality electrical equipment. No exposed wires or ANY wires near water. Plan for a small flood.

There is probably NO way you can hide a plant in a home with your Mother. If done even half-ass it's gonna stink. You would need ventilation. . . . ah . . .you're doomed.