So how awesome was Cosmos?


Well-Known Member
You guys see it?

I thought they did a great job and NDT is a perfect host. The CG animation was movie grade and it was entertaining

The nod's to the previous series were cool too


Well-Known Member
Really killer priemere. And it's just going to get deeper/gnarlier. Seth McFarlane produced the shit outta this. Great effects. NDT was on point, and I think was the perfect choice. Besides for killing Pluto, I like everything about that guy.


Well-Known Member
The whole time bro!

I am so thankful I have a girlfriend that enjoys watching and learning about the universe, maybe not as much as I do, but she still likes it.
Did she already pretty much know what was shown? Stuff about the big bang, planets, etc.?

Any time a girl shows an interest in space or the universe or how it works it's so damn attractive to me, or a girl who speaks with intelligence, like Cara Santa Maria;



Well-Known Member
Great premiere! Tyson looks good, too, like he dropped 30 pounds or so. Great CGI and animation, and paced fast enough to hold almost anyone's attention. I wonder how many kids in religious families watched and had some awkward questions for their parents at breakfast the next morning. I really loved the story of when Tyson met Sagan, and got goose bumps at the final words of the episode -

"Science is a cooperative enterprise spanning the generations. It’s a passing of the torch from teacher to student, to teacher. A community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars. Now, come with me, our journey is just beginning!"

Fuck yeah, let's go!


Well-Known Member
I don't really like this guy, but I thought some of this was pretty amusing. I also LOVE the T-shirt, I ordered two, one for me and one for a buddy, after watching this...


Dunbar Santiago

Well-Known Member
It's a good show. All the material they've covered has been word for word cut + pasted from NOVA. So if anyone finds a segment really interesting, find the NOVA episode that covers it for a whole hour.


Well-Known Member
I think episode 2 has been my favorite so far, Some of the Things That Molecules Do

Is there only going to be one season?


Well-Known Member
I think episode 2 has been my favorite so far, Some of the Things That Molecules Do

Is there only going to be one season?
Episode two rocked. I haven't heard their future plans, but with the ratings they're earning, I think we'll be seeing a few seasons. Afaik, the original 1980 Sagan series went 14 episodes, but if Fox is making money I can see it going a while...


Well-Known Member
So how are you guys liking this show so far? Still watching?

It's gotten pretty consistent ratings, so I'm looking forward to a season 2 probably next year, anyone heard if FOX has any plans to renew it?

I have a feeling the last episode "Unafraid of the Dark" will really seal the season as this generations scientific inspiration to look forward to, just like Sagan's did in the 80's. I feel like that episode (June 1) is going to touch the most on religion/science.

I missed last nights episode, I'm going to watch it right now while I eat breakfast


Well-Known Member
I like the show, but I don't feel the same sense of... wonder as I did with Sagan's Cosmos....

Maybe it's the delivery, maybe it's the CGI... maybe it's because it's just not Sagan. lol


Well-Known Member
I like the show, but I don't feel the same sense of... wonder as I did with Sagan's Cosmos....

Maybe it's the delivery, maybe it's the CGI... maybe it's because it's just not Sagan. lol
Admittedly, NDT isn't as exuberant as Sagan was, but after giving it some thought, I think it has a lot to do with the timeframe and context. Sagan was essentially explaining things in a format the layman could understand for the first time ever. NDT's revamp is almost a photocopy of that, so people are already pretty aware of what is going to be shown, so the surprise factor is all of but gone. It still holds up, imo. I've found that a lot of the show comes directly from earlier Sagan works; a great nod to a scientific advisor/hero to not only NDT, but myself as well.

I'd like to ask a group of 12 year old's this question


Well-Known Member
So how are you guys liking this show so far? Still watching?

It's gotten pretty consistent ratings, so I'm looking forward to a season 2 probably next year, anyone heard if FOX has any plans to renew it?

I have a feeling the last episode "Unafraid of the Dark" will really seal the season as this generations scientific inspiration to look forward to, just like Sagan's did in the 80's. I feel like that episode (June 1) is going to touch the most on religion/science.

I missed last nights episode, I'm going to watch it right now while I eat breakfast
I really dig it, and my kid LOVES it! NDT is a way different flavor than Sagan, but I really like him. When I was a kid, I didn't know any of the topics he was discussing, it is different now that I'm familiar with the subject matter. I think there will be at least a second season, the original series had 13-14 episodes and this season was significantly shorter with better ratings. I missed last night's episode, too. I'm finna download and watch it right now...

Sir Stanky

Active Member
Netflix has more NDT lectures called The Inexplicable Universe, the Unsolved Mysteries. They are really good too.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
I don't really like this guy, but I thought some of this was pretty amusing. I also LOVE the T-shirt, I ordered two, one for me and one for a buddy, after watching this...

I don't really think that he is the greatest dude ever but that was some funny shit :).
