So here's the plan...


Active Member
I'm leaving my college apartment for the summer in a week. My 2 plants are about 6-7 weeks into flowering and I don't think they'll be ready for harvest by then. What do you think about me driving 10hrs with them inside of a sealed rubbermaid bin?? How much will this mess em up; if at all?


Well-Known Member
You taking them back to your parents house? Or finishing them outside? I don't think it will mess them up too much. Just get them back on thier light schedule ASAP.


Well-Known Member
wont mess em up to suggest putting a plastic bag over them to create a greenhouse effect..make sure it dosent get to humid if ur using a box..good luck


Active Member
wont mess em up to suggest putting a plastic bag over them to create a greenhouse effect..make sure it dosent get to humid if ur using a box..good luck
what's the purpose of the greenhouse effect? is it to maintain moisture? i'm guessing it's going to be pretty moist in there as it is.


Well-Known Member
yeah it wud be if u hvae it sealed which i wudnt reccomend dont have to use bags just a suggestion...but if ur using a container make sure theres air circulation..dont water them before or during the trip..but just beforeu put em outside or under the lights give em a watering...good luck


Active Member
thanks rye and yeah the sealing part is what i'm most worried about, but i really wanna avoid any smell, just in case i get pulled over


Well-Known Member
well shit your making a risky move at one of the most important parts of the grow. anyway you can hang around there until you can finish or take them to a friends house then and harvest before the big drive?


Active Member
well shit your making a risky move at one of the most important parts of the grow. anyway you can hang around there until you can finish or take them to a friends house then and harvest before the big drive?
na i've got start work that following week but I'm pretty sure my mom's cool with it. we talked about it once in the past and it seemed alright. i figure if it does mess with them then i can just harvest them immediately when i finish the drive.


Well-Known Member
well how big are your plants exactly???

oh and it might be a wonderfull idea to do the speed limit and use your turn signals on your drive haha


Active Member
Oh so they arent that huge. gotcha, how many do you have? Will they all comfortably fit in your car?
i've got 2, but i think one will be ready to be harvested by the time i leave. i've got an explorer, so fitting them in my car shouldn't be a problem. i just don't wanna put them in a rubbermaid bin completely sealed and then when i get finally get home, open the box and see the plant like wilted and deaded. i was considering occassionally opening the box up but i really wanna avoid any smell escaping.


Well-Known Member
welll honestly id just throw some holes in it...and keep you windows down while ur crusin..even if u did get pulled aint hard to look in the back and see a rubbermaid container with plants in it..cops arent that stupid...put some holes in it..and keep windows down..prolly only thing u can do if u dont want them to die,...they need fresh air at all times


Active Member
welll honestly id just throw some holes in it...and keep you windows down while ur crusin..even if u did get pulled aint hard to look in the back and see a rubbermaid container with plants in it..cops arent that stupid...put some holes in it..and keep windows down..prolly only thing u can do if u dont want them to die,...they need fresh air at all times
damn i was hoping they'd be ok sealed. i don't think it will be that obvious though because i am coming home from college, so i'm gunna have a bunch of other stuff and bags and suitcases to take the attention off the rubbermaid


Active Member
i've completed the journey:hump:...unfortunately all the Rubbermaid bins were too small. i ended up using a black construction bag and taping it closed. definitely not the best idea but it worked alright. a few of the stems got bent, so i'm working on repairing them now. there was some smell in the car, but it wasn't too bad. half way through the trip i made a hole in the bag and sucked all the air out and then blew in new air haha. in retrospect i shoulda found a cardboard box that was big enough. i'm glad it's over.