Active Member
That post is from a little over a year ago, just wondering if you ever made that 50/50 blend, and if so, how was it? And what method did you use for processing the THCA/CBDA specifically into OILS that was done "cold"?
In order to ingest "A" versions without heat, as far as I know edibles are the only way, obviously smoking it converts it. A few years back everyone made such a big deal about decarboxylation being necessary for any medical benefits from CBD, and now in the past few years CBDA is getting a lot of attention. It's been a challenge for me to find larger scale cold production methods. I tend to make several hundred oil filled CBD capsules at a time, for my own use. I take about five a day, but I find the process of producing them is better done in larger batches.
I have used 1:1 THC/CBD extraction (from thunder struck flower 10%THC/15%CBD)
This flower makes a great sleep med for non cannabis users
Decarbed on the A1 setting on the Ardent FX to activate both the THC and CBD
From reading a little info it appears that CBD that is at least around 10% can decarb along with its counterpart THC at the same temp and time
This is in the Ardent, yet to test this out in the oven
How large of an extraction are we talking?