So depressed! long story please help


Active Member

Alright i guess i've been like a ghost on this site and never posted pics or really got that into it but. This all started when my boy got a zip of WW and we found 4 seeds in it... From the four seeds two took really well. Throughout 7 months of vegging and flowering. with id say 2 weeks till perfection . Mind you no mites no nute burn ,no nutes period.. we clipped sum smoked it was amazing. We had 4 colas the size of a 2 liter cola bottle. Today i take my last final and get a text as it ends from my roomate . ""The plants get cut today the cop just came"". The cop came to my door followed my roomate home because he ran a stop sign. he figured that if he raninside the cop couldnt give him a ticket. The cop knocks on the door and the first thing he says was... SNIFF holy shit how much weed you got in here? i get home the plants are already being chopped. I was just curious can u blaze the plant if it has trichs but white hairs? we have 4 humongous colas with tons of trichs but no red hairs still white and premature. the bottoms of the colas are done but the huge tops arent. Can it still be smoked?... i am so depressed my babies were killed... And i just wanted to thank you all that helped me grow it really was fun.. and im looking to do it again but i dunno where to get amazing seeds like we found. This shit was grade A WW. and im no expert at growing it but i have had sum crazy shit in my day smoke wise. Thanks guys peace to all


Well-Known Member
No offense man but your friend isn't too smart. He ran into a house where he was growing to avoid a ticket for running a stop sign? Anyways you can still smoke them it just won't be as good, as far as getting replacement seeds just google white widow and you will find several places to get some seeds. When you have them shipped DO NOT have them sent to your house; especially now. Get a P.O. box or something and have it sent there. Sorry for your loss man, but your friend needs a serious talking to.


Active Member
ok man then dont believe me... be a child . theres no reason to make this up im pretty pissed about it i just wanna no if i can smoke it with the white hairs on it?


Well-Known Member
If you'r such a smoker why dont u just dry it and smoke it for yourself, it might be good..... 2 weeks left im sure she will give you a high.....

Sorry about the cop story...


Active Member
Well i dried and cured and let me tell you it is AMAZING.... From being so depressed im actually very happy. Wish i had 2 weeks longer to make the buds thicker but it gets you REAL HIZZIGH!!!! thansk for all of your help guys. Ill be around next year just curious though how do all of you get your seeds?


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks!!! Time to get a new roommate!!! what a dick to bring the cops to his own home where he knows there is a grow.....hrmph