So circulate air during drying or not?


Active Member
I've seen some guides that say indirect air circulation is a must; others say no air movement at all. I just started drying in a closet, temps 75-79, RH 50-55. Do I need a fan in there or not?


New Member
As long as the relative humidity stays low like that and the room gets some natural air movement in it. Like walking through or door opening and closing I would not use a fan. Drying too fast may induce harshness. I don't use a fan. I dry plants hanging in a dark room I walk through several times a day and it works well. Takes about 3 days to trim dryness and then I loosley pile them in a wine crate and leave em in the rafters for another 3-5 days. Then to the open bag-closed bag(like a jar, just more)till they are down to 15-20% dry. For my very personal stash I use a nice RX jar for the final cure.


having a fan directly blowing on your buds will make them dry faster, which will in turn make the smoke harsher. I have had no problems drying my crop without a fan by simply checking on them every now and then, but if your worried have a fan on low, and try not to point them at the lovely crop :D


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll make sure to open the closet door a few times a day and keep an eye on the humidity. I appreciate your help!