So-cal (714) dwc bubbleponics outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody my name is Lykn pronounced (Lie-Ken) lol in case you were wondering... Anyway this is my first post and my first dwc grow. I've been a member on this forum for a while just reading and lurkin. So i've done a fair amount of research and have had my rec for more than 5 years so I figure its time to invest rather than just simply spend plus my buddy i'm helping grow is kickin it down with a lil spot in his backyard. I've never really grown my own before but I have been helping my buddy with his outdoor grow in soil for a little while, He simply uses fox farm soil and good ol' city water. Pics taken yesterday.

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His plants seem to be thriving from the fact that they seem to require little care. He just gives em a little water here and there. Imo the foxfarm soil and natural sunlight are doing an amazing job. I believe the plant is around 1 1/2 - 2 months from seed.

CLICKY ! Some Close up shots below!

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So with all this "Mota-Vation" building up it was finally getting put to good use. So "Budman" (my buddy) and I took a day off from the real world and focused in on our Dwc adventure. He's only grown in soil so this is new to him as well. So with our minor budget we went along from store to store and bought the materials needed and used what we had at our disposal. Below is a pic of the materials we bought. It's not much but i'm just getting my feet wet and don't wanna get in over my head.

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(2) 5 gal. Buckets
(2) 6 in. Net pot lids
(2) 2x4 in. Cylindrical Airstone
(1) 5 lt. bag of Hydroton
25ft. of black air hose
Aqua Culture 20-60 Gal Dual Air Pump
1 qt FoxFarm Grow Big Nutes
Spray Bottle
General Hyrdoponics Ph Meter
(Below not shown in pic)
Mylar reflectant material
Hefty Black Contractor Bags

We went to his garage smoked and packed some fresh :weed: bowls of some Paul Pierce Og bongsmilie It was great smoke it had like that awesome piney taste with that earthy/piney smell, my favorite. This pierce harvest was a good one becuase i've had other sacks before and they tasted nastily :shock:


Basically we made a very easy set up with a hole for the airline on the top side of the bucket with an air stone inside to create oxygen inside the bucket. We then wrapped the black trash bags with tape. Pretty much a standard diy Bubbleponics system. Our major concern was how to keep the liquid temp down in the bucket especially with the California sun.

:idea: So the cheapest smartest idea we ended up deciding on was to dig two fat holes in the ground since A its free and B it'll keep the temps low. Once we had that out of the way we went along to our local clone guy G and got two nice clones for a great price.

:leaf: SkyWalker & :leaf: Tahoe OG
I messed up and didn't take any nice pics :dunce: was probably to baked from smoking the first herb hookah made by our local clone guy G. Anyway, this is what they look like in there hole. Kinda Low budget but i'm confident they will do well as this is a hybrid system of Deep water culture and Outdoor growing. I figure nothing is better than natural FREE sun and oxygen.


Once we had that done we had an issue that needed attention which is in the form of walking weenies aka dachshund's the weenie dog haha those little dudes are nuts and there are 3 of em so we had to make a barrier and I wanted more reflection for the plant as well so we ghetto rigged this little barrier with leftover plywood and some scrap chicken wire. We faced it pro so it can get maximum sunlight throughout day and night plus there mobile if need be during night time flowering when we get to that stage.

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This is the Tahoe OG
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This is the SkyWalker
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Both are around 3 weeks since cut and are rooted with nice roots in rockwool.
we are feeding them with Fox Farm Grow Big.
We have the buckets filled with 4 gal of water and put 11 tsp of FFGB in each bucket. Followed what it said but 1tsp less. Don't know if this is the correct amount to feed. And were planning on changing the water every week with fresh nutes I guess try and buy more nutes and follow the FF hydro guide.

Now this is a first grow and were using whats at disposal and what we can afford. So all you people that feed on having nothing but negative bullshit to say to others can fuck off. Because at the end of the day i'm smoking a bowl chillin and your still stuck on your rage of negativity. Fuck all that life goes on my dude .....

To all others please like I said i'm new to this and I would love to get all the help I can get from my fellow growers. Open to anything as long as its positive. Thanks and enjoy as I will try to keep everything updated weekly with pictures on both soil and dwc outdoor grows.


Well-Known Member
Subbed dude, I wanna see how this turns out! Im new to growing as well and im starting with soil outdoors.. Definately could use some inspiration from this!

Is your buddy using any nutes? My next grow is gonna be using Fox Farms soil as well and his plant looks perfect!


Well-Known Member
Hey been super busy with my grow and life lol..But unfortunately due to nosy neighbors a paranoid friend and crazy dogs This grow has been moved indoors...Basically long story short is it all started when i got a 400 watt MH hood ballast and bulb by hydrofarm for a super low low price on craigslist. Then from there it went on to a tent and a fan and another tent and so forth..Lol now Me n budman have A 2x4x5 veg tent and a 3x4x7 flower tent plus a little clone room we rigged up.. I tahoe og clone didnt make it as it snapped somehow idk but its dead lol .. now I have just the skywalker and sourflower.. weve made lots of clones and have messed around with our tents set ups.... imma make a new journal and show our setup and add pics.. stay tuned thanks...


New Member
People don't generally run organic nutes in DWC because it complicates conditions in your rez. Synthetic nutes with benes like aquashield is pretty standard.

The recommended dosage on the bottle is for full grown plants in full bloom in a flood n drain or nft or something. In DWC the roots are always in your nute mix so you don't use as much nutes. 100 - 200 ppm x0.5 should be good for seedlings. 1 tsp per gallon was probably way too much, but I've never used those nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i now follow the fox farm feeding schedule which is specific for hydro and soil... So i use different nutes for each set up dwc/soil.. and at first i used 1tsp less than what it said to use and worked my way up to the normal schedule and the plants seem to be thriving especially the dwc...


New Member
Nice... I don't see a PPM meter on your list of shit but I just woke up and took some bong rips. Having one not only makes it easier to keep things in control and grow weed, but it also makes you feel like a fuckin scientist. I use the 40$ hannah ppm pen that everyone says is shitty, but it works fine for me.


Well-Known Member
true didnt have one at the time.. but ended up finding one that was in a box of a brita filter system it seems to be doing its job and reads ppms...but I know soon i need to invest on a real good one.