So awhile ago there was a thread with a picture of a Owl tattoo???


Well-Known Member
Where is it? Ive looked but cant remember the name of it. It was on a dudes chest,Was just the outline i think,maybe holding a scroll. Im trading some purple for a nice chest piece and i want an Eagle with a similar style. Similar nowhere near the same.:weed:
Yeah. I wish i could remember the name of it.

cant start drawing till i see that picture. I have others styles i can base it around, but i really liked that one.
Thanks man. I love the feathers in the wings and head. thats the concept i was lookin for.

hey when u draw it/get it can you post it on here. I always like seeing cool tattoos, one day ill get one. I wanna lose these extra 30 pounds before i get one. I would wanna get one and have it like morph if i get saggy skin or something idk.

So my tattoo looks nothing like the owl,at all. Its awesome though. Im getting it tomorrow,hopefully in one session of 7 hours or so. Il post a pic of it tomorrow.
I got five hours in today. Sill got three or so to do in a week or two. Center of the chest on that bone fuckin blows.

Im paying a 1/4 for everything.
your what payin a Q of green for 7 hours work?!!?!? thats fuckin insane cheap man, you must be good buds with the artist right>?