So any non pot smokers?


Well-Known Member
You guys are frikkin' paranoid. :lol: I like blending into the background, and I'm usually able to do it very well (as long as I keep my big mouf shut).
These days I have been smoking less and less regularly. I find that smoking weed is more of a privlage for me. I don't like smoking to escape reality, I'd rather smoke and know that reality is what I want it to be. It feels better to smoke a fat blunt when your life is on track than when you are trying to run from your problems.

That being said, talking here is fun sober or high. The people on RIU have great minds and great advice to give. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.:mrgreen::hump::joint:
Yeah! Oops, sorry, I'm not yelling at you.
I don't see the privilege aspect as you do, but I whole-heartedly agree with the idea that the smoke should be FOR the fun, not to escape. I don't like getting SO blazed that I can hardly move, either.

Babylon, we're married, we're happy (with each other, not certain outside things), and while we do argue sometimes it's really not so bad. There are issues on which we just disagree, and that's ok, you can't agree with someone all the time on everything, you know?
This is the first man who has kept me on my toes (mentally speaking). He challenges me, he challenges my ideas and thought processes, he forces me to really think out where I am. And I LOVE it, I love him. 8)


Well-Known Member
for real you dudes sound paranoid as hell. When people give me the stink eye for being ripped it makes me smile. Fuck what a soccer mom thinks, they are all just dellusional thinking their way of life is the only way


Well-Known Member
for real you dudes sound paranoid as hell. When people give me the stink eye for being ripped it makes me smile. Fuck what a soccer mom thinks, they are all just dellusional thinking their way of life is the only way
I hate to tell you this, but... I was a soccer mom. :shock:


Well-Known Member
hahaha, yea but obviously not in the sense I meant. Come to think of it my mom was too. I'm trying to think of a more accurate term but nothing is coming to mind. I guess I just meant snobby people, which in my area there are an excess of


Well-Known Member
I know a guy who calls them The American Taliban. Moral majority types who can't see past their Judeo-Christian dogma, who would impose their dogma upon all others, the Constitution be DAMNED!



Well-Known Member
Not only was she a soccer mom, when we first got together, she tried to talk me into buying a minivan...Blech! :lol:


Well-Known Member
hahhha funny, I'd say a suburban is a little cooler than a minivan. If you gotta get something along those lines I'd stay away from the mini's


Well-Known Member
We ended up with a V10 Triton Excursion. We call it the Superbeast. :lol: You wouldn't believe how many people, dogs, and pieces of luggage it carries, PLUS pulling a trailer.

It can NOT, however, smash through that 4' high snow berm. Don't ask how I know. :shock:


Well-Known Member
im sure im not the only one who wants to ask
but i wanna know about it goin thru the snow berm haha


Well-Known Member

Heading over Carson Pass during winter, had to get back home while I had the chance and the road was open because I didn't want to take the long way home (1 1/2 hours versus 3-4 hours, which would you choose?). The windshield wipers had frozen down and I couldn't see the damn road. Gotta scrape!
No place to really pull over, then I missed the ranger's station. Saw one little opening leading into the rest area nearby the ranger's station that I knew had a big parking lot (underneath all that snow). But the lot was about 6' deep in snow, they'd plowed a way in, but no way out. and the Excursion was too big to turn around and it was a LONG way to back out.
I thought I could just, you know, kinda crash through the berm, charge through it. :roll: I mean, it only went up to the wheel well, I should be able to get through that!
I should have just backed the fuck out, instead I ended up hoofing it to the ranger's station. FORTUNATELY they were there, because the few flatlander idiots who were flying through weren't slowing down OR stopping, and it was gonna be a LONG walk to the nearest phone.
