so a quick question....


so me and a friend were growing and him being a dumb ass cut the branches and all off the second he harvested it instead of keeping the plant intact for two weeks and allowing it to air right now the clippings of the smaller buds and all have dried for approx. a week and a half and have been curing for around 5 days... i was wondering if i were to rehydrate the nugs then let them re-dry would that help make the clorafill (or how ever your spell it) evaporate out some more than it already has? cause the nug tastes like im just smoking leaves.. bad taste...but if you break the bud up it smells amazing, just doesn't taste it :-?


Well-Known Member
if its all the way dry already, re-moistening will not reactivate the circulatory system, which is what would need to happen to help get that chlorophyll out, at least if my memory serves me correctly.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately i myself am still on my first go at this growing hobby, and am still about 6 weeks away from harvest. so i am not too experienced with the harvest/cure stage, but my logic tells me that the best thing you can do is keep curing and hope they start tasting a bit better.

chances are this is just gunna be one of those things that you cant fix now, but will remember next harvest and improve. live and learn =D