So 2012...seriously?


Well-Known Member
Okay...unless you live under a rock it's impossible not to know of all the people who are convinced that the world is going to end or change in 2012...more specificly Dec 21st due to the mayan long count thingy and a nunch of other things including the "time wave" theory thing....soooo what you guys think? Enjoy the next year and half or so while it lasts...or this is fucking retarded?


I'll share my personal opinion in a bit...wanna get other thoughts on this:wall:

Never know bro. The question isn't "IF" it will happen.. its just a question of "When" will it happen. In all honesty, we're not promised tomorrow.. something can happen to you/us individually.. or.. the world could go to sleep tonight.. and nobody wake-up tomorrow. It's always a possibility... always.

I personally.. think something on an "apocalyptic" scale is in the works. I mean.. I watch the news all the time. Well, alot of the time I do.. and I stay up to date on current events around the world on a daily basis. I personally.. am picking up on something. There's just more and more catastrophic events happening in the world today. Could it be global warming? Sure.. it could be... but then again.. it could be from the raptures as well. In other words.. it could be something of God.. or the Devil. The thing is.. is we'll never know for sure.. for a fact.. until it happens.. and we experience it.

I mean, take for example.. the current issues over in Libya with the Gadafhi Regime.. I mean that's no good.. thats a threat to the U.S.A. in some ways. Then you have the current Earthquake that hit part of Brazil today or yesterday (not sure since they're time zone is different than mine.). Then the recent floods in Australia.. that was a flood that they've never seen before.. so powerful that it swept homes off their foundations and killed hundreds of people I think. Then, you have the issues with Mexico.. and the Drug Lord over there. I forgot his name.. but they were talking about him last night on the news. Things just aren't looking good people.. that's all I'm saying. I'm not a psychic nor expert on this.. but I just have that 'gut feeling' about it.

Just watch... within the next few weeks (next 10 lets say), I bet ya there will be more 'catastrophic' events to come. :)

It's a volatile life.. ;)



Well-Known Member
Things are certainly going to change soon. Is it going to be some planetary event predicted by the mayans years ago? No...
But I do think our way of life is coming to a close soon. Our economic system and the rates at which we consume are not sustainable. Just look at your local grocery store, prices of food has almost doubled on a lot of things in the last year or 2. Shit is hitting the fan all around the world. Were in for some big changes in the not too distant future.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
the reality is that 2012 is indeed the end of the world as we know it... It's not the apocalypse but a very important time that will change the future of Earth

the truth is out there for those who want to know about it, there is also tons of misinformation

develop your consciousness and mind and you will find the answers


Well-Known Member
listen, if they ever announce that the world is under attack.. or is going to end. I'll just have the 'Bubble Boys' father (remember that crazy dad.. that called 911 claiming that his had built this balloon.. and his son was inside it.. and the wind broke the anchor ropes with the boy inside the little cockpit?? They showed the balloon flying in the air on tv.. with the little boy supposively inside it.). Yeah, I'll have him build me a little balloon so I can just float away. Take as much food/water I can with me.. oh and my dogs. They're coming with me.. if this ever happens.


Actually.. some of you may laugh. But 3 years ago I had one of those mini bomb shelters built in my side yard. It's one of those things that they drop in the ground. The dimensions are 15ftx15ft and has electrical with backup solar powered generator that can run a few appliances at once. Nothing fancy.. but its built to withstand an 'apocolyptic' event. Its pretty wild man. I like to go out there, open the hatch, go down the stairs and sit down there and smoke.

But either way, at least I know I have a place to go if anything does happen within my lifetime.

good luck to everyone else.. if anything ever happens.



Active Member
the reality is that 2012 is indeed the end of the world as we know it... It's not the apocalypse but a very important time that will change the future of Earth

the truth is out there for those who want to know about it, there is also tons of misinformation

develop your consciousness and mind and you will find the answers
I have to agree with you, 2012 is a very important year for humanity, in which we will witness many drastic changes in our society, those who are not ready will be left behind.

develop your conciousness to find the truth.


Well-Known Member
listen, if they ever announce that the world is under attack.. or is going to end. I'll just have the 'Bubble Boys' father (remember that crazy dad.. that called 911 claiming that his had built this balloon.. and his son was inside it.. and the wind broke the anchor ropes with the boy inside the little cockpit?? They showed the balloon flying in the air on tv.. with the little boy supposively inside it.). Yeah, I'll have him build me a little balloon so I can just float away. Take as much food/water I can with me.. oh and my dogs. They're coming with me.. if this ever happens.


Actually.. some of you may laugh. But 3 years ago I had one of those mini bomb shelters built in my side yard. It's one of those things that they drop in the ground. The dimensions are 15ftx15ft and has electrical with backup solar powered generator that can run a few appliances at once. Nothing fancy.. but its built to withstand an 'apocolyptic' event. Its pretty wild man. I like to go out there, open the hatch, go down the stairs and sit down there and smoke.

But either way, at least I know I have a place to go if anything does happen within my lifetime.

good luck to everyone else.. if anything ever happens.

Where does your air come from?


New Member
BUMP...anyone notice all the earthquakes last 2 weeks? Any one else think thats a bit...weird?


Well-Known Member
we dont know enough about earthquakes to know if it was weird or not lol

possibly and probably the earth was just "farting or scratching her ass" kinda thing, that regular and normal.


Well-Known Member
I do believe there will be a big change that year but not what everyone is talking about.
that's where I'm at on this....

anyone who hasn't been living in a cave it's also obvious that big change has to come soon, especially at the rate shit is happening around the world, it seems to all be catalyzing into the perfect storm

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
that's where I'm at on this....

anyone who hasn't been living in a cave it's also obvious that big change has to come soon, especially at the rate shit is happening around the world, it seems to all be catalyzing into the perfect storm
We are at the dawn of the Golden Age. Shit's going to have to change in one way or another. Either a global catastrophe or a global awakening, personally i think its going to be more of global awakening.


Active Member
The earth is overdue for a polar switch, right? I first heard about this like...5 years ago, and it caught my attention. The world changes, how do you think mountains and oceans and caves came to be? Our society is over due for a cleansing anyways, the earth has its own defenses and I believe a plague/natural disaster will be its "Hey. There are WAY too many of you on me right now. GTFO"