So 2012 Is Only A Year Away!!!


Active Member
no concerns man i think its just a bunch of bologna the mayans died before they could finish the calender but i am gonna say this if it doesnt happen i'm going to cut back on smoke not quit just cut back but if it does happen i lived a good life and i will accept death when he comes and if i go to heaven i'll smoke all the pot i want with jesus and others


Well-Known Member
I'll be prepared. As we get close to then end of 2011, I'll buy a 2012 calender so I can keep track of upcoming appointments. That's it for me.

I can't believe it - the Mayan calender and the calender hanging in my kitchen are both going to be ending next year at the same time!! How exciting!! :shock::shock::shock:.... :roll:

The Stig

Well-Known Member
actually we are 2 years from 2012 because the real date is December 21 2012

and yeap it would be the end of the world as we know it...

a new dimension would begin and the old system will fall to the ground, and people who are not prepare for it well they would just die...


Well-Known Member
illuminati? NWO?? the Masons??? Republicans?????
who are these questions directed to? or are you asking for everyone's thoughts on these topics? i may be too high for this forum right now because it seems like your sentences are missing huge chunks. Am I the only one who sees this?


Well-Known Member
this is a high possibility... lol remember 2000 "the milleneum" episode.
Man, I worked for USPS at the time and they shut down our entire processing center for three hours that night in case something did happen with the computers. We just stood around and listened to the gunfire as people celebrated.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
People are retarded. They never predicted the end of the world, it's just the end of a natural cycle of their calendar. It would be like if we made a Gregorian calendar and went to December 31, 2099 and just stopped because there was no need to start making calendars that far in advance. When Jan 1, 2100 comes though the world won't end, we will just start the time keeping cycle on a new century.

The world won't end. No one here is going to see the end of the world or the end of humanity. Both will happen at some point, but it's incredibly arrogant and self centered to think it's going to happen in your lifetime. The ridiculousness that you not only will be around to see it, but actually PREDICT it in advance boggles my mind.

Or we are all gonna die from the y2k12 bug.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The world has been crazy man. What people did and believed has ALWAYS been bat shit crazy, and yet has never brought the down fall of man or the world.


Well-Known Member
Wish they would at least of put time of day so I can sit on the roof and get fried and watch.........fuck I miss all the good stuff


Well-Known Member
People are retarded. They never predicted the end of the world, it's just the end of a natural cycle of their calendar. It would be like if we made a Gregorian calendar and went to December 31, 2099 and just stopped because there was no need to start making calendars that far in advance. When Jan 1, 2100 comes though the world won't end, we will just start the time keeping cycle on a new century.

The world won't end. No one here is going to see the end of the world or the end of humanity. Both will happen at some point, but it's incredibly arrogant and self centered to think it's going to happen in your lifetime. The ridiculousness that you not only will be around to see it, but actually PREDICT it in advance boggles my mind.

Or we are all gonna die from the y2k12 bug.
I'd like to think that it represents a shift in consciousness.. I never believed the world would actually end.. but it would be nice if the world as we know it would end and come out something better...

the way most people live is /not/ sustainable...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What leads you to believe it represents a change in consciousness? Also what leads you to believe any change in consciousness you perceive as happening in the near future isn't simply coincidental?