
Well-Known Member
Well they don't get root rot because of the air system, it's not like they are sitting in water. Also, you should go ahead and look around the site more because a lot of your questions are already out there on the internet and this site. Also on your flowering pics your leaves are looking over nuted.


Well-Known Member
yeah the leaves are overnuted I have been watering with only water see what happens. Ok dude I cant find any answers what should I look up? There is a drain inside where the netpots sit. The drain is adjustable, how much water should sit in the actual top part? should I adjust the drain inside there to be flush with the bottom so all water falls back down or should some water sit inside the top thing? cant find the answer anywhere

Puffin Afatty

Active Member
yes, you can easily get 2 z per with WW and SW under 400w hps...I have gotten as much as 6 z per WW and just took 5 off of a SW regen of 1 plant...

My SW is a very sativa-like pheno...grows tall, like 5'-6'...doesnt fatten until week 7-8 and finishes in 10-11 wks...My WW was excellent at 49 days, stayed short enuf...


Well-Known Member
Ok man, well here this will help you some.
(These are all rough figures)
5ml = 1tsp
4l = 1gl
The GH Flora kit uses tsp. on the label just look at the chart and do what it says. You HAVE to have a measuring device, just run to the store. Don't worry so much about root rot, go get some hydroguard to help you a bit (cheap). I usually tend to pave my own way, but with hydro start with just following the directions and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
damn two oz a plant would be nice. Kind of sucks that this strain takes so long to harvest, I am wondering if I can shed them to 45 days a harvest by putting in one foot clones every 45 days. I only want to harvest six at a time, I am vegging in my hydro system right now, once these soil girls are harvested I am going to be full hydro, in my little unit I bought. Maybe I will make my own but still only six plants. putting that unit under the 400 watter once the soil girls are done. then keeping veg under floros in the other veg closet. I think I could get a pretty good system down. maybe 12 oz every month and a half would be nice. thats what I am aiming for. I am going to flower at about a foot then top right when I flower to prevent a tall plant. I cant have anything over a two and a half foot plant.

yes, you can easily get 2 z per with WW and SW under 400w hps...I have gotten as much as 6 z per WW and just took 5 off of a SW regen of 1 plant...

My SW is a very sativa-like pheno...grows tall, like 5'-6'...doesnt fatten until week 7-8 and finishes in 10-11 wks...My WW was excellent at 49 days, stayed short enuf...


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks dude I appreciate it, I have a measuring cup so thanks. I am going to go half nutes until Isee how the girls like it.

Ok man, well here this will help you some.
(These are all rough figures)
5ml = 1tsp
4l = 1gl
The GH Flora kit uses tsp. on the label just look at the chart and do what it says. You HAVE to have a measuring device, just run to the store. Don't worry so much about root rot, go get some hydroguard to help you a bit (cheap). I usually tend to pave my own way, but with hydro start with just following the directions and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pics, will get some other pics of the hydro setup veg room too. So here is the one snowwhite about two weeks or less away from being chopped. I know she got some nute burn, shes actually coming out of it now. The other girls are doing great, huge stems, should see at least two oz from these three plants alone under the 400 watter. Here are some pics, comments welcome, or actually much appreciated. Peace Girls are at like a week into flowering.



Well-Known Member
here are some pics, this thing actually works, I am worried if keeping this vegging for 30 days is going to be too long we will see, I guess, I could. I only have the one 400 watt hps, so I need to wait for the other girls to be done before I put these under the 400, once I get the soil grow done it will go smoother.


Puffin Afatty

Active Member
I grow SW too...the pheno I have is a strong grower, stretches clear thru last week before harvest, I also use a 430w HPS so I just tie her down and back so all of her is within 22" of the bulb...I do the minimum veg, 7-10 days is all and I harvest at 10 weeks...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I am going to try and harvest at 10 weeks. Does anyone know how much time you really save on soil vs hydro. A couple weeks?


Well-Known Member
Ok here are updated pics of the white widow girls about two weeks into veg, looking really nice. Also tore down that piece of shit hydro setup and made my own, check it out. These are three white widow and three snow white clones in the rubbermaid, hope they can hold out until the widows under the 400 in the other room could finish. That other one was such a bitch to change the water on so I decided to make my own. Its an eighteen gallon rubbermaid. One foot bubbler going check the pics, should rock. Please suggestions are so very welcome



Well-Known Member
why thank you, hope to get about an oz off each. trimmed up the bottom like the weed doctor of apparenty that makes the plant put all its energy into the top nugs, hope they get huge. not too much taller I hope though.


Well-Known Member
How much taller do you think my white widow girls are going to get? Been flowering for one full week . Also how high should the light be above the girls? Will they stop getting taller if I keep the light where it is, seems I keep keeping the light about a foot away but the plant keeps creeping up.