Snowryder {Snow White x LR2}


Well-Known Member
if you keep a fan blowing on the cfl 26w you can let them touch and they shouldnt get burned. one of my side bulbs in the cab gets blown by the fan all day and never gets even warm, its cool to the touch. looks nice kinghash but i think you might want to go longer than 10 weeks total since you had a slow start. i would say let her flower atleast 50 days or more depending on maturity. i dont have any experience with autoflowering strains but im sure youd want to make sure your plant is actually ready(mature) before you take it down. id hate to see a seller label let you not max resing production. like i said i have no experience so it mught be ready before the 10 weeks
well these autoflowering are supposed to take 10 weeks but i wont chop untill im absolutly certain they are ready. No chopping early for me!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just checking out your journal. Loving it so far. I see you have a slight burn on one of the leaves. The same thing has happened to mine because I didn't think that CFL bulbs could burn the plant Lol. Keep up the good work dude.
yeah you guessed it. Im trying to not let that happer again but i dont think its a major problem?


Active Member
hi thanks for commenting! I love comments!
I got those lights at a local hardware store. There cool but i would prefer if i had of found 42 watt lights :D
Do you remember the brand name of those bad boys? I like them a lot. I'll find some 42 watt ones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah keeps happening to mine I have put the LED back in for now until I can LST the plant, don't wanna stress the plant too much.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into mollases and i want to add them. When should i do it and should i do it while still giving nutrients?

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
add it when u get into flowering. i used em before they are quite sticky but it gets broken down in the soil and it feeds your beneficial bacteria as well as giving calcium potassium magnesium and other nutrients that plants need. alot of ppl use them the last 4 weeks of flowering to bulk up the buds and prevent deficiencies

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
yea you can use molasses untill chop. i wouldnt do it just cus i dont like what they taste like. but to be sure you just cut them a week before harvest. so cut nutes at 2 weeks before chop and then cut molasses at last week, thats gonna be def enough to get all the molasses out


Well-Known Member
looking good!! u should expect an explosion in growth once they start flowering!! i find it weird however that u started seeing sex around day 30!! i mean i started seeing sex from day 14 and until day 20 they had all shown sex maybe its the strain!! anyways nice grow hope this turns out to your satisfaction!!!


Well-Known Member
Where did you get those lights from that rotate around like that?
I just got 10 lr2 x deisel, auto ak47, and poison something dwarf. Can't wait to get mine going
thanks man
I just checked and the brand is eco light. Hope that helps