Just something I found humorous (for a change)
This is what shit for brains Tweeted this morning.
"It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of 'the other side.' Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows," Trump said. "Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this? There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided media coverage, most of it Fake News. Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry! #MAGA."
Fucking guy is out of his mind.
Did you save a whole bunch of Quaaludes?A poll taken last month by USA Today show's that the morons in this country are still morons (will they ever learn?)
The pollsters asked your typical American asshole if they agreed with Trump that the special counsel's probe into Russian election interference is a "witch hunt," and that he's been subjected to more investigations than past presidents because of politics.
Over half of those surveyed said they agreed with Trump (Oh, my fucking God), and 47 percent said they did not. The responses were sharply divided along partisan lines, with 86 percent of Republicans (the true enemy of the American people) siding with the president, and 14 percent of some asshole Democrats doing the same. (Can you believe Dems actually siding with Trump?)
Fifty-four percent of independents (also fucking idiots) surveyed said they agree that Trump is the victim of a "witch hunt," while 42 percent disagree.
What's a thinking, rational man or woman to do?
Well, for me personally, that is to continue what I have been doing since Nixon, which is to consume all the drugs and alcohol I can absorb, to dull the pain of being surrounded by fools.
Sad, isn't it?
They still make soapers?Did you save a whole bunch of Quaaludes?
I'll take some if you have a supply..........Did you save a whole bunch of Quaaludes?
Nah, never liked 714's.Did you save a whole bunch of Quaaludes?
Nope, they always ban the good shit.They still make soapers?
The Original Date Rape Drug (Bill Crosby never left home without it)They still make soapers?
Because he's a fucking Narcissist who just can't resist ANYTHING in the Media about him.why on earth does he continue to watch it?
Because he's a fucking Narcissist who just can't resist ANYTHING in the Media about him.
That's what's driving him further into insanity, because he has gotten EXACTALLY what he had desired, and that was to rule the World, and SOME FUCKING HOW he did it, but he's still a piece of shit, and he knows it (his father probably hated him), and now the fucking ENTIRE (except for Nazis and the mentally deranged) WORLD, tells him every day when he wakes up (except Fox), that he is the most despicable, vile creature that is walking on the Earth today (Ok, a little bit of a stretch, but close enough) .
Just imagine the damage to his psyche, existing knowing that the only people that even can stand being around you are a bunch of money grubbing whores or thieves, liars and general misfits, and the rest of the Planet Earth hates your fucking guts.
That thought gives me some solace![]()
That asshole LIVES, like a junkie or an alcoholic, to get his fix or a drink, and his fix is someone telling him he is wonderful, the greatest person alive. That is his oxygen, and without it, he will die.yeah, after i posted, i thought it has to be his gigantic ego that drives him to watch, even though he knows they hate him, the attention, negative at that, is enough for him to tune in to see what they say about him next.. i'm not that sort of person, so it's kinda hard for me to grasp the psyche of him..
what i don't understand is this, if he hates the show as much as it seems he does, why on earth does he continue to watch it? there's plenty of crap on tv that i hate, therefore i don't watch and won't support it by giving it my time.. never seen one episode of the kardashians, duck dynasty, fill in the blank, yet this guy running our country hasn't figured out how to change the channel yet..
just another step towards the totalitarian world putin wants to rule....
The Russians, just like the Chinese love being abused, it's part of their DNA.and the fucking russians keep him around
Nope, they always ban the good shit.
I used to get the best pharmaceuticals, like Dexedrine and Black Beauties were handed out by doctors like candy in the 70's, but they banned those too.
God, that was good speed.
Yea man, I can relate.Yeah, I know it sounds low life but we chased down overweight girls to get the diet pills, Ambars or Lemon doubles (each 15 mg. methedrine but contained a barbitchuate for nighttime). Yep, flying all night doing tweaker crap.