Snipping burnt tips?


I nute burnt the shit out of my girls at a very young age(seedlings), and also exposed them to 240w of 24/0 led full spectrum at the same time. Flushed the shit out of them for 3 days straight, shut-off the led for 7days and also switched over to maxibloom once the started bouncing back. Their now loving the maxibloom and led, but the first true leaves still show the burnt ends. IMO they will never come back and I'm wondering if it is nutes wasted for the plants with death still being there? My PH was also low at the time mentioned above, but is now 6.5 going in and 6.3 coming out :lol:

On a side note maxibloom (genero lucas form) is so much cheaper, and simpler than AN products. I now have a few bottle of various AN nutes that will be collecting dust!


Well-Known Member
I'd let it go, it still might be benefiting the plant. why bother shocking it at such a young age?