Snapped stem


Well-Known Member
So I was lsting my plant today and I accidently snapped the step from the 2nd node from the top. Pretty clean snap. I could see most of the inside of the stem. Was hanging with a enough stem attached to have it not fall right over, but still pretty much snapped off. After I noticed it I taped it together with tape right away and straightened out the stem. I'm at week 4 for and it's an autoflower. Pretty sure I'm too far along even possibly clone it.

I guess my question is how long until I know it's dead for sure or how long should I keep the tape on so it grows back.


bud bootlegger
tape that bitch back up, it should live just fine so long as you don't wait too long.. i've done it before.. you'll know rather quickly if it's living or dying.. :)


Well-Known Member
you might be surprised. i had a plant get snagged 2 weeks ago and did the same thing. i used a popcicle stick and tape and she is due to harvest in 11 days and doing great. and with autoflowers u can not clone.


Well-Known Member
someone suggested smearing a little cloning gel on if you have it available and then tie it up. Dunno that the cloning gel does a thing but I liked the idea and did it myself with one I split right down the middle and it didn't miss a beat.


Well-Known Member
Yea cloning gel sounds like it would work. I didn't plan on cloning anything anytime soon so I don't have any. As soon as I saw the break I taped her up. I used gorilla tape as for some reason all my other tape has disappeared. Didn't think about using something as a splint. I look around and see if I have anything. Thanks guys.

EDIT: Used the clip part of a pen I have as a makeshift splint. Leaves are turned downward, but I did bend it to a 90 degree angle when I was lsting.


Well-Known Member
So the plant is still alive...I guess. Been a few days and although some leaves have withered a few of the larger fan leaves are still going. There's been no new development above the break, but I assume that's because the plant is just healing. Below the break the plant is still growing pretty well. Should I take this as a sign that it's healing? How long on average should it take? I don't want to keep the broken stem on if it's just going to die as it takes up needless space and blocks the light from the still living part of the plant.
same thing happened to my outdoor plant except it was some kind of animal that jumped up into the pot. it snapped a few branches and one big stalk. i taped it all back up with electrical tape (first thing i could find) and it healed itself. The branches that didn't make it were quite obviously dead within 12 hours. i saved what i could. they are pretty hardy plants.