Smugglin Whats your technique?


Well-Known Member
I was in a holding cell of 25 guys once waiting to be housed (Visalia shout out) and this one guy sat on the toilet and showed the room a FAT roll of Tabacco. Then he reached behind him and does this and that and then stands up and jumps around, and wal la no stash, all hid.
Well then no later than an hour later more people get brought in and someone smuggled a cig, they fired it up and the deputies where in there like in 2 mins.
Stood us all along the 4 walls (facing wall) and then we had to strip, one by one we grabed are but cheeks (stop me if you heard this) and we had to bend over and cough, (fuckers) anyways the one guy did not get caught , but this crusty (way crusty) redneck straight Farted, then looks behind him (I am assuming because of voice travel) and say's real slow like "SORRY DEPUTIE". I almost died laughing, once they left.
Now that deserves a +rep. Start kickin people.

I've got a simular story... I had to spend a weekend in jail for something stupid. Anyway, our county has bunks all in the same room. 2 guys showed up the same day I did. They were friends and had planned this out. They tore the soul away on their shoe, stuffed weed in it, and glued it back on (they don't let you keep your shoes anymore). On the second day while everybody was at rec the geniuses decided to roll it and smoke it. They lit it buy sticking a pencil lead in an electrical outlet. It left burns all up the wall in the closet. As soon as I walked in from rec I could smell it, and so did the guard when they did roll call. Every body had to strip the beds, they took us to a separate room to strip us. The idiots 10 day turned in to 6 months.:peace:


Hahahaha never took it from out of the country but I walked onto a Jetblue flight with a 1/4oz tripple bagged just in my pocket. No metal detectors go off, no pat down. Not in your bag, wont get x-ray'd. S********* airport is retarded, no drug dogs.


Active Member
Hahahaha never took it from out of the country but I walked onto a Jetblue flight with a 1/4oz tripple bagged just in my pocket. No metal detectors go off, no pat down. Not in your bag, wont get x-ray'd. S********* airport is retarded, no drug dogs.
I flew International from London,UK to Turin, Italy, I had a q seperated into 2 8th ground up in selfseal bags. I put the bags in an oystercard holder with starbucks coupons in front so it looks like a coupon book. I stuck the card holder in my boxers after I DOUSED it with cologne. Anyway, I got through London ok, but when i got through passport control I saw a dog and nearly shat a brick... I paused for a couple second to regain composure and to wait for my family. I walked right up to the dog, pet it, said "good doggy", and walked off. Me and my bro had a good time snowboarding and blazin on white rhino in the italian alps..


Active Member
i wouldnt risk smuggling unless it was seeds. good weed is just too damn stinky for the risk imho


Active Member
When flying, I don't like to carry more than what my nuts can hold. When going through mexico , I take a coconunt (through mexico-us cutoms) and carefully cut a hole on the bottom. I hollow it out, chissle a small hole on the top, and put a straw in it, then I glue the bottom back on. Looks like I just bought it while waiting in line to get over. This ain't no brown hermie either. If I get pulled off to the side for inspection (which is never 'cause I play it really cool and don't talk too much) then I prettend to take a long drink and toss it quick into a trash can in the next booth over.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Reps are based on how well you interact with community, try the old fashoined way and earn them. Other wise we might think your a spy for the otherside :twisted:
tru and no im no narc even if i was i would have no legality to bust you guy
this site and all its info would be out of a narcs juristiction

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt risk smuggling unless it was seeds. good weed is just too damn stinky for the risk imho
as long as you mask the scent like crazy conogne,air freshiner,hightly concentrated drips of freshener,
and just hope for the best
Bought a fresh deodorant, unscrewed the whole deodorant out, stuffed a quarter in the bottom and screwed the deodorant back in and all the way down so it looked brand new..probably a stupid idea but it worked, got some romulan from cali back to ny, and the deodorant didnt effect the smell or taste


Well-Known Member
for my senior trip to hawaii, I air sealed an oz and just sacked it under my nuts and wore tighter briefs to hold it securely through security and no problems. just went into the bathroom and took it out and put it in my carryon for the rest of the trip. 3 of us did this and we had 3 zips for a week on the hawaiin beach :weed:


Well-Known Member
i caint tell you how i would smuggle my :weed::weed: i dont know if their are any po po`s on this site.. pretentendin to be...:mrgreen::mrgreen: when their if i disclose my secrets on how i would transport.. and i got pulled would get all my bongsmiliebongsmilie...crooked officer....hehe.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
wat about dogs?
well I flew out of sac and chartered to sf to fly out of their to Hawaii. see, sf is an intl airport and sac isnt, so I flew out of sac to sf and there weren't any dogs in sac so I was already past security on our layover in sf. never worried about the dogs but yea I've heard that the coffee scent can over power the mj scent

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
get you some fresh instant folgers cofffee and put you alittle :weed: in the coffee..the fresh coffee grounds throws the dogs sint off.....:peace:
yea i might get a bag of coffe and put like an ounce in it the bags now are vacumm sealed so i think that would throw the dogs scent down the pooper


Well-Known Member
Ok here is what you do, buy some odorsocs, tie one end and put stash in then tie other end, works great for Fed X ing.