Smugglin Whats your technique?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
well just remembered a while back i was comin back from a trip to jamacia with hella weed.though long and hard on how i was gunna do it then i came to a conclusion.Hand cream! ya know those like circular twist of lotions you girl probably has? well heres wat i did balled up the bud and wrapped it tightly in seran wrap took lotion out put the bud in and put the lotion bak in did this with severale different containers i had and they all worked! fuckers didnt expect a thing!so i smuggled 4 oz of bud into the us at an airport haha


Well-Known Member
this is what i do.

i have a cigarette making machine and what id is load thi thing with like .7-.9 of ground up weed and just enough tobacco tat the end to look like its a real cigarette. i put one of these in a pack of home made butts and had 3 packs of butts each with a weed cig. i figured there was a 1/20 chance i would get caught and if i did it would be less than an 1/8

i stress out every time i go through customs this way, but thankfuly i never get caught


Well-Known Member
I was in a holding cell of 25 guys once waiting to be housed (Visalia shout out) and this one guy sat on the toilet and showed the room a FAT roll of Tabacco. Then he reached behind him and does this and that and then stands up and jumps around, and wal la no stash, all hid.
Well then no later than an hour later more people get brought in and someone smuggled a cig, they fired it up and the deputies where in there like in 2 mins.
Stood us all along the 4 walls (facing wall) and then we had to strip, one by one we grabed are but cheeks (stop me if you heard this) and we had to bend over and cough, (fuckers) anyways the one guy did not get caught , but this crusty (way crusty) redneck straight Farted, then looks behind him (I am assuming because of voice travel) and say's real slow like "SORRY DEPUTIE". I almost died laughing, once they left.
Now that deserves a +rep. Start kickin people.


Well-Known Member
I was in a holding cell of 25 guys once waiting to be housed (Visalia shout out) and this one guy sat on the toilet and showed the room a FAT roll of Tabacco. Then he reached behind him and does this and that and then stands up and jumps around, and wal la no stash, all hid.
Well then no later than an hour later more people get brought in and someone smuggled a cig, they fired it up and the deputies where in there like in 2 mins.
Stood us all along the 4 walls (facing wall) and then we had to strip, one by one we grabed are but cheeks (stop me if you heard this) and we had to bend over and cough, (fuckers) anyways the one guy did not get caught , but this crusty (way crusty) redneck straight Farted, then looks behind him (I am assuming because of voice travel) and say's real slow like "SORRY DEPUTIE". I almost died laughing, once they left.
Now that deserves a +rep. Start kickin people.
:clap: :lol:
Great story, GG13! I'd rep you but it say I have to spread it around a little more, first. :peace: