

Well-Known Member
Living in the NY metro area and spending a good amount of time outdoors, I just go ahead a lite a twisty while walking down Fifth Avenue (albeit it's not flaunted). How bout it? The rest of you indulge in public?


New Member
I smoke in my car... I also walk around the block quite often to burn one.. But I don't live in a metro area. Sometimes I smoke in parking lots and such too..


Well-Known Member
I'll burn in public sometimes.

but more at shows and shit where you know the crowd will protect you


New Member
When I was younger I was big on smoking in the woods because it was the only place I could go.. I still go back to the old spots sometimes. For the most part I just sit on my lazy ass at home in front of the computer though... lol.... and if it's cold then forget it. A lot of times I just chill in my backyard if it's a nice starry night :)

Herb is highly enjoyable outdoors ...

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
haha nyc is what's up . we used to light dutches on the city streets all the time, helped going to skool around wash park cuz nobody gives a fuck. just be watchful of coppers. once my short jew friend and my boy who's black and tall with a big ass afro n sunglasses were walking past the park to get pizza and they got profiled and rolled up on and searched hahaha. two of the biggest potheads around too and the cops were totally right on with the profiling but didn't have any trees on them for like once in forever. sometimes you get lucky. totally hilarious that they got profiled tho. funny ass combo. also I love cruising manhattan with a couple homies and smoking some sour in a few dutches.. West side highway down around and up the fdr is one of our regulars..


Active Member
Lol I'm smoking right now as a matter of fact.... I normally smoke in the car and outside.. and yes.. in public... If i'm sitting aroud on a bench with an ashtray next to it in public anyone who doesn't like it should walk around the place where smokers obviously are...I DO, however, cuff my smoke whenever children younger than 10 go by


Well-Known Member
No doubt. Definitely don't showcase in front of children.

NYC Yeah, like you'll be walking down some street or avenue and all of sudden BAM a beautiful aroma will pop out. You look around but there's hundreds of people walking by. Daily, it happens daily. Mad, bloody mad. Can't get bored. Just fucking walk and it's something to do that will keep you occupied for hours.
I lite up often, though careful.


New Member
one time i accidentally walked into a variety store with a burning bowl in the middle of the day.. I was pretty fried.

This summer during the Global Marijuana in Toronto I got to walk down Yonge st smoking a joint in front of cops and everyone. people were carrying bongs down the street and toking while stopping traffic. That felt great


Well-Known Member
I like to smoke out on my back balcony when a storm is coming offshore it's badass to see it coming from far away. My backyard is the beach it's pretty bitchin.


stays relevant.
I've got too much shit to lose gettin' busted for some silly thing like smoking in public. If I need to smoke, i'll park my car in some inconspicuous area that isn't saturated with people who probably don't appreciate that some dink is walking about smoking pot. I mean, if I were walking to work, I wouldn't want my boss smelling weed on me because some guy couldn't to light up his joint.

Just my opinion.


New Member
Cops around here don't bust your balls over a little bit of weed... As long as I'm not carrying a lot on me then I don't worry much. The couple times I've been driven up on by the po, they were pretty cool about it... and it was just blatantly obvious I was smoking... I was in the car one day in an apartment complex parking lot hot boxing a dutch... One cop car, and a k9 unit drove up .. One of the cops came to talk to us at the window. We had no time to react to this so we hadn't rolled the window down or anything yet.. So matt rolls the window down and a huge cloud of smoke just goes right in the cop's face.. He just smiled and said 'you kids have fun and be careful' or some shit. loooool...This is only an example of the 4-5 instances I've had that were similar... and the only time I've ever been searched was in a different county, and I had the weed in my shoe so I was good.... I'd still like to move somewhere where it will be safer to grow though... There is no leniancy when it comes to growing around here.


New Member
I'm sure I just lucked out though too .. I really only hear about people getting busted for selling...Not just carrying a gram or two. and there is no need to carry more than that when you're not at home.


Well-Known Member
i toked in front of a small police station that used to be right next to my old high school. probably every time i cut class. good times.

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
hah, reminds me of my boys house back in AK. we were like one of the only houses directly across from the cop shop, and we would smoke blunts like everyday damn near and look out the window down at those mf'ers all the time. comedy.


Well-Known Member
I smoke spliffs, so the smell is light to begin with. I make a point of never carrying, so even getting caught for smoking is no big deal. I smoke them outside bars, on the street, you name it...