Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?


Well-Known Member
Just saw this lol. Ooh now you got me locked in lol. I get exactly what your talking about and you might be right bro. Subbed lol
hehe, yeah.. there are so many times,when just about Everyone is totally sure, IT is SO, when it totally turns out not to be (and often particularily when yes, they are really sure :) (as in people get hanged for thinking different lol)

soo.. looking at that, i tend to reserve my judgment on lots of things, ok its probably like that, but maybe not, hey it works, but maybe there is a better way.

and, then there comes current human nature into question.

why did they say that and for what reasons.

is it true or is it a lie for ego reasons? or monetary reasons?

(did you know that for a long time (and often still) if you die from lung cancer its attributed to cigs if you smoked cigs (without any checking)..considering how many other factors in our society are at play (airports, cars, even frying hamburgers has carcinogenic properties (and fouls up the house forawhile if you make em) so its kinda ridiculous till you consider, Just how many people actually profit from hating on cigs)

i might be right or i might be wrong , but on cigs.


i once smoked 3 packs a day, fucked up my lungs

1 pack a day i was ok but deteriorated slowly.


smoking 2-3 cigs a day, mixed with weed, ive beaten bronchitis and asthma.

went from coughing all day (till i had a weed/tobacco smoke (took about 3 hits to make me stop coughing (1st hit made me cough up a lung near literally lol)

and feeling like i had a ton on my chest (asthma, meaning i could barely breathe)

to being able to able to run as i want

and havent noticed the asthma in years and the cough i got rid of in about a year or so.


when someone says, All smoke is bad, i cant help but laugh bit.
sure, overdoing some things is bad.

but there´s gotta be some reason native americans considered tobacco holy and smoked it once in awhile (once in awhile)

and i personally feel alot better with a bit of tobacco in my weed (i dont enjoy the weed near as much without it.)

i call it

the peace herb of the west, meets the peaceherb of the east lol.


Well-Known Member
though i do understand where you are coming from.

i have family dead from lungcancer. but i just never could stop (bipolar, smoking tobacco helps and i couldnt care less if i lived or died anyway (back then, well, if i died, fuck it, there are other lives), but the lungproblems were annoying so i started to experiment)


Active Member
hehe, yeah.. there are so many times,when just about Everyone is totally sure, IT is SO, when it totally turns out not to be (and often particularily when yes, they are really sure :) (as in people get hanged for thinking different lol)

soo.. looking at that, i tend to reserve my judgment on lots of things, ok its probably like that, but maybe not, hey it works, but maybe there is a better way.

and, then there comes current human nature into question.

why did they say that and for what reasons.

is it true or is it a lie for ego reasons? or monetary reasons?

(did you know that for a long time (and often still) if you die from lung cancer its attributed to cigs if you smoked cigs (without any checking)..considering how many other factors in our society are at play (airports, cars, even frying hamburgers has carcinogenic properties (and fouls up the house forawhile if you make em) so its kinda ridiculous till you consider, Just how many people actually profit from hating on cigs)

i might be right or i might be wrong , but on cigs.


i once smoked 3 packs a day, fucked up my lungs

1 pack a day i was ok but deteriorated slowly.


smoking 2-3 cigs a day, mixed with weed, ive beaten bronchitis and asthma.

went from coughing all day (till i had a weed/tobacco smoke (took about 3 hits to make me stop coughing (1st hit made me cough up a lung near literally lol)

and feeling like i had a ton on my chest (asthma, meaning i could barely breathe)

to being able to able to run as i want

and havent noticed the asthma in years and the cough i got rid of in about a year or so.


when someone says, All smoke is bad, i cant help but laugh bit.
sure, overdoing some things is bad.

but there´s gotta be some reason native americans considered tobacco holy and smoked it once in awhile (once in awhile)

and i personally feel alot better with a bit of tobacco in my weed (i dont enjoy the weed near as much without it.)

i call it

the peace herb of the west, meets the peaceherb of the east lol.
oh im thoroughly baked and intending to bake myself even further ,. puff puff :)
Puff puff. Huh. What happend


Active Member
my bowl got lit and i got more baked?

"filling another bowl right now too :D"
Speaking of that you ever have any TGA pandoras box? She's on my list for next order. Great high that doesn't seem to plain out you just keep getting higher and higher and hey I can see down your shirt haha


SSO: Me too! If I smoke too many cigarettes in a day I feel crappy, but if I smoke a few it definitely helps me. Small amounts of stimulants actually open up your bronchial tubes.

I used to be a hardcore tweaker, but I've been clean for awhile now and I stay clean thanks to weed, coffee, and cigarettes. A few cigarettes a day plus a couple cups of coffee helps me enormously with mental focus, which is one of the reasons I liked dope so much. I'm pretty positive I have ADD but I've never seen a doctor about it or anything. But ya so that coupled with smoking weed, which keeps me satisfied in the wanting to feel "high" or whatever department, and I stay clean.

So ya cigarettes are supposed to be bad and stuff, but since they are such a help in staying off hard drugs, I think they aren't so bad.


Well-Known Member
i heard when you smoke meth around the plants they might end up stealing your tv. i heard one stole a buddies wallet once!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of that you ever have any TGA pandoras box? She's on my list for next order. Great high that doesn't seem to plain out you just keep getting higher and higher and hey I can see down your shirt haha
lol nah, just got some strains i bred myself. (its a work in progress but going fine :))
SSO: Me too! If I smoke too many cigarettes in a day I feel crappy, but if I smoke a few it definitely helps me. Small amounts of stimulants actually open up your bronchial tubes.
yeah ,i like it :)
I used to be a hardcore tweaker, but I've been clean for awhile now and I stay clean thanks to weed, coffee, and cigarettes. A few cigarettes a day plus a couple cups of coffee helps me enormously with mental focus, which is one of the reasons I liked dope so much. I'm pretty positive I have ADD but I've never seen a doctor about it or anything. But ya so that coupled with smoking weed, which keeps me satisfied in the wanting to feel "high" or whatever department, and I stay clean.
how you positive about the ADD?
So ya cigarettes are supposed to be bad and stuff, but since they are such a help in staying off hard drugs, I think they aren't so bad.

nicotine and alcohol are really stronger drugs than heroin, but alcohol for example is beneficial in small doses once inawhile.

so one would assume the same about heroin (if one was drawn to it)

and i think thats the case

if you are drawn to it

isnt it just something in your body, telling you should have some of that?


And to sso about the add, I have a hard time focusing on stuff and my mind wanders alot. I'll space out and be thinking about something that has nothing to do with what's actually happening. But if I have stimulants it helps alot. Coffee and cigarettes don't make it go away but they help. Meth literally cured it, it was amazing to be able to actually focus on something 100%. And smoking dope always made me feel more mellowed out, rather than all twacked out or whatever (although that would happen if I had too much). But everything else about meth is horrible and it fucked up my life hardcore so it's not worth it at all. The strain I'm growing is supposed to help with ADD but we'll see I guess. This is my first time growing and the weed I get is usually crappy so I'm really excited yay! I've thought about trying to get a prescription for ADD meds, but I don't have medical insurance and I don't even really know how to go about doing that. But ADD meds are just amphetamines so I dunno that might be bad for me I might abuse them, but on the other hand I might not I honestly don't know.


Well-Known Member
And to sso about the add, I have a hard time focusing on stuff and my mind wanders alot. I'll space out and be thinking about something that has nothing to do with what's actually happening. But if I have stimulants it helps alot. Coffee and cigarettes don't make it go away but they help. Meth literally cured it, it was amazing to be able to actually focus on something 100%. And smoking dope always made me feel more mellowed out, rather than all twacked out or whatever (although that would happen if I had too much). But everything else about meth is horrible and it fucked up my life hardcore so it's not worth it at all. The strain I'm growing is supposed to help with ADD but we'll see I guess. This is my first time growing and the weed I get is usually crappy so I'm really excited yay! I've thought about trying to get a prescription for ADD meds, but I don't have medical insurance and I don't even really know how to go about doing that. But ADD meds are just amphetamines so I dunno that might be bad for me I might abuse them, but on the other hand I might not I honestly don't know.
i wonder, if the stuff you cant focus on, is boring to you, uninteresting,

can you focus on stuff you find interesting or is it just everything thats like that?


i also wonder how it would have gone, if you had access to good meth without the criminal ties(and maybe not so chemical?)

and didnt abuse it, similar to the cigs, just a bit of meth when you needed it?


the southeast asian sativas, just take you up, remind me of speed, you didnt smoke some before bed, you stopped smoking 1-2 hours before bed (you just got more tired and nicely so if you stopped smoking, but if you kept on smoking it kept you up)


Hmm that's an interesting idea, so you're saying the meth wasn't directly increasing my focus, it just made everything awesome therefore I wasn't bored? That could actually be possible.

And I've wondered that myself about pure meth. Doing it always deteriorated my physical health rather quickly, and I know that's from all the nasty shit it's cut with rather than the actual amphetamine itself. If I had access to pure meth and just used a little bit and didn't abuse it, it would probably increase the quality of my life alot. But a big emphasis on use and not abuse. And I guess that's pretty much ADD meds isn't it, pure pharmaceutical grade amphetamine? I've never had it though so I don't know how different methamphetamine is to regular amphetamine.


the southeast asian sativas, just take you up, remind me of speed, you didnt smoke some before bed, you stopped smoking 1-2 hours before bed (you just got more tired and nicely so if you stopped smoking, but if you kept on smoking it kept you up)
I'm growing raspberry cough from nirvana. It's a sativa but I dunno about geographic origins.